![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Explanation And Prediction Of The Human Sciences](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/K4oAAOSwuxFYuYlP/s-l300.jpg)
Explanation And Prediction Of The Human Sciences Video
Theory of Knowledge: Human Sciences, Dr Marianna Koli Explanation And Prediction Of The Human Sciences.
Online works based on the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. New book : Starting Science from God.
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Links theism religion to science psychology and physics without reduction. These comprise the laws of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. The human mind, being as it were planted in nature by its heavenly Father, was designed to enter into matter, and detect knowledge, for its own purposes of growth and nutrition. This gives us a true idea of memory, or rather of what memory should be. We no longer think of a truth as being laid up in a mind for which it has no affinity, and by which it is perhaps never to be used; but the latent affections, as they expand under proper culture, absolutely require the truth to receive them, and its first use is the very Sfiences it affords.
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It is not more Prddiction for the tree to return to the seed from which it sprung, than for the man who has learned thus, to cease to remember. The natural sciences are the basis of all useful knowledge, alike important to man in whatever time, place, or read more he is found. They are coeval with our race, and must continue so long as the sun, moon, and stars endure. Before there were facts for the pen of history to record, or vices for the arm of law to restrain, or nations for the exhibition of institutions for the government of themselves and intercourse with each other, at the very creation, these were pronounced good in the general benediction; and when history shall have Explanatjon her tale of sin and woe, and law shall have punished her millions of offenders, and civil society Explanation And Prediction Of The Human Sciences have assumed every possible form, they will remain the same as when presented in living characters to the first parents of the human race.
Natural philosophy seems almost essential to an enlightened click of thought and action.
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A man Oc lean upon others, and be so well supported by an equal pressure in all directions, as to be apparently dependent on no one; but his independence is apt to degenerate into obstinacy, or betray itself in weakness, unless his mind is fixed on this unchanging basis. A knowledge of the world may give currency to his sentiments, Explanation And Prediction Of The Human Sciences plausibility to his manners; but it is more frequently a knowledge of the world that gives light to the path, and stability to the purposes. Explanztion the one he may learn what coin is current, by the other what possesses intrinsic value. The natural world was precisely and perfectly adapted to invigorate and strengthen the intellectual and moral man. Its first and highest use was not to support the vegetables which adorn, or the animals which cover, its surface; nor yet to give sustenance to the human body;—it has a, higher and holier object, in the attainment of which these are only means.

It was intended to draw forth and mature the latent energies of the soul; to impart to them its own verdure and freshness; to initiate them into its own mysteries; and by its silent and humble 'dependence on its Creator, to leave on them, when it is withdrawn by death, the full impression of his likeness. It was the design of Providence, that the infant mind should possess the germ Hman every science.
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If it were not so, they could hardly be learned. The care of God provides for the flower of the field a place wherein it may grow, regale with its fragrance, and delight with its beauty. Is his providence less active over those to whom this flower offers Explanarion incense?]

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