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Ethical Consumption of Protein

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The Myth of Ethical Consumerism with Elizabeth Cline - The Sustainable Fashion Forum

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Sustainable fashion is a movement and process of fostering change to fashion products and the fashion system towards greater ecological integrity and social justice. Sustainable fashion concerns more than just addressing fashion textiles or products. It comprises addressing the whole system of fashion. This means dealing with interdependent social, cultural, ecological, and financial systems. Sustainable fashion, therefore, is the responsibility of citizens, the public sector, and the private sector. A key example of the need for systems thinking [2] in fashion is that the benefits of product-level initiatives, such as replacing one fiber type for a less environmentally harmful [3] option, is eaten up by increasing volumes of fashion products. An adjacent term to sustainable fashion is eco fashion. The origins of the sustainable fashion movement are intertwined with those of the modern environmental movement , and specifically the publication in of the book Silent Spring by American biologist Rachel Carson. The decades which followed saw the impact of human actions on the environment to be more systematically investigated, including the effects of industrial activity, and to new concepts for mitigating these effects, notably sustainable development , a term coined in by the Brundtland Report.

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Ethical Consumption of Protein

Hypertension is the most common modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, with an Ethical Consumption of Protein prevalence with age, but with easily available medications to control it. Adverse effects of these medications do limit their use, in particular hyponatremia due to thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics. This is more common in the elderly patients due to a combination of inadequate protein intake and impaired urinary dilution capability, made worse by additional thiazide use.

Limiting free water intake and increasing protein intake are often not successful resulting in thiazide avoidance. Daily protein supplement is a potential option in this clinical scenario. We describe the protocol for a feasibility study read article explore this option.

Ethical Consumption of Protein

This is a single-arm, prospective, open-label proof-of-concept trial, including elderly patients with thiazide diuretic-induced hyponatremia. The main outcome measures will be 1 feasibility for enrollment, 2 safety of the intervention, and 3 potential efficacy of the intervention in improving hyponatremia. Ethical Consumption of Protein outcome measures will include changes in urine osmolality, body weight, and urea measurements.

Thiazide diuretic-induced hyponatremia is an important adverse effect, with significant clinical impact, such as delirium and falls, and limits the use of these potent antihypertensive agents. There are little data on the effect or safety of protein supplementation and also on whether a trial of this is feasible.

The results of this proof-of-concept feasibility trial will help plan and execute a larger definitive Consumpption to test protein supplementation as an effective strategy in this condition. The trial is registered with Clinical trials, registration identifier: NCT Peer Review reports.

The Vegetarian Journal Online

Hypertension HTN is highly prevalent among adults and is the most important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular events, in particular stroke [ 1 ]. Large randomized controlled trials RCTs in the elderly and very elderly have shown clear benefits in vascular outcomes, namely strokes, with pharmacological treatment of HTN [ 2345 ].

Finally, these RCTs have demonstrated the safety of the use of three BP-lowering drug classes which are now the mainstay of treatment of HTN in Conzumption populations [ 2345 ]. Https:// are thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics TDs, such as hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, and indapamidedihydropyridine calcium channel blockers CCBand the blockers of the renin-angiotensin system RAS [ Consumptioj345 ].

However, hyponatremia is a relatively common adverse effect of clinical significance in the treatment of HTN with Ethical Consumption of Protein in the elderly. Hyponatremia refers to low plasma sodium concentration go here represents free water excess in the body.

It may cause fatigue, nausea, headaches, and muscle weakness if mild, but may lead to serious neurological complications including seizures, coma, and death in its most severe form. Given the overall prevalence Ethicxl HTN among the elderly, this does represent a significant clinical problem. Unfortunately, the other two Ethical Consumption of Protein drug classes with proven efficacy and safety in these patients also have limiting and debilitating adverse effects. Briefly, 1 in 5 patients prescribed with dihydropyridine CCB will develop debilitating ankle edema. RAS blockade also is associated with many side effects ranging from debilitating cough about 1 in 10hemodynamically mediated renal impairment, and Ethical Consumption of Protein hyperkalemia to rare cases of life-threatening angioedema. In most cases where adverse article source occur, the drugs need to be stopped.

Hence, a large proportion of the elderly patients referred to specialized hypertension clinics are labeled as having difficult to treat HTN because of these drug allergies or intolerance. Hyponatremia induced by TDs in the elderly is multifactorial [ 678 ].

Ethical Consumption of Protein

These patients have age-related decrease in urinary dilution Ethical Consumption of Protein in other words limitation to excrete free water at baseline, and this is further diminished by the direct effect of the TDs on the sodium chloride co-transporter in the distal convoluted tubule. Practically, this means that these patients require more urinary solute sodium, potassium, urea to excrete water. However, dietary solute intake is often quite low among the elderly due to low electrolyte intake and low protein intake on account of decreased appetite as well as due to the low sodium diets that are often prescribed as non-pharmacologic therapy for HTN [ 678 ]. As a result, elderly patients on TDs may become hyponatremic with as little as 1. There is a lack of consensus for the right approach to management of hyponatremia in this setting. Increasing salt intake may worsen HTN, and a change in dietary habits decreasing water intake and increasing protein intake is difficult to implement for the elderly individual.

Overall, TD-induced hyponatremia is a significant clinical problem among elderly hypertensives which prohibits their use in a significant proportion at best and may have serious Ethical Consumption of Protein outcomes if not recognized or treated in a worst case scenario. Knowing the pathophysiology of TD-induced hyponatremia in elderly HTN patients, there is a case for a proof-of-concept clinical trial to test a unique, simple to understand and administer, and relatively affordable approach to rectify this adverse event. Provision of a concentrated dietary supplement which is high in protein should increase free water excretion by the kidneys by providing an increased solute load in the form of urea, the metabolic end product click at this page protein catabolism.

This approach should result in the slow correction of TD-induced hyponatremia. Direct ingestion of urea itself has been used and reported to result in an increase of serum sodium levels on the basis of uncontrolled case series [ 910 ].]

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