Edgar Allen Poe and His Work - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Edgar Allen Poe and His Work - cannot

Collier 5 Vol. Here is a very unusual vintage collection of the works of Edgar Allen Poe that I am listing for a friend. It contains eight of the ten volumes of his complete work. This set of books contains eight volumes of the ten volume set published by G. The set is missing the first two volumes. Two books are missing the back cover; all of the books have the front cover, but the covers are not connected to the binding. The back binding is in good shape and the books feel well sewn together when opened. These books were purchased by me in the early s at a thrift shop in Baldwin, Long Island, where my mother worked as part of her Pink Lady hospital volunteering. What a rare find for the discriminating individual. Your collection will be well packed to insure safe arrival. Edgar Allen Poe and His Work Edgar Allen Poe and His Work

Edgar Allen Poe and His Work Video

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Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to parents who were traveling actors. His father David Poe Jr. Elizabeth Hopkins Poe died inleaving three children. Edgar was taken into the home of a merchant from Richmond named John Allan. The remaining children were cared for by others. At the age of five Poe could recite passages of English poetry.

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Poe attended the University of Virginiabut was expelled for not paying his gambling debts. His expulsion led to a quarrel with Allan, who refused to pay the debts. Allan later disowned him. In Poe became engaged to Elmira Royster, but her parents broke off the engagement.

Edgar Allen Poe and His Work

During his stay at the university, Poe wrote some stories, but not much is known of his beginning works. In Poe joined the U.

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Army as a common soldier under an assumed name, Edgar A. Tamerlane and Other Poemswhich Poe published at his own cost, did not do well. It has now become one of the rarest volumes in American literary history. In Poe entered West Point. He was dishonorably discharged the next year, for intentional neglect of his duties. Apparently he did this out of his own strong desire to be released. Maria Clemm.

Edgar Allen Poe and His Work

During these years he wrote some of his best-known stories.]

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