Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism -

Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism

Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism - you uneasy

We live in a sea of infectious agents, and we have evolved several mechanisms for protecting ourselves against those that are potentially pathogenic. There are several simple physical and chemical barriers that constitute and important first line of defense. Our skin provides a highly effective barrier to infectious agents despite the fact that skin is colonized by an impressive array of microbial agents. Injury to the skin abrasions, cuts, incisions, burns, etc. Given the effectiveness of intact skin, our major vulnerabilities are:. These are our major vulnerabilities, but we have evolved non-specific defenses for these. Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism

Repression : Blocking a threatening idea, memory, or emotion from consciousness.

Defense Mechanisms And The Defense Mechanism

Sublimation : A special case of displacement in which the displacement of emotions serves a higher cultural or socially useful purpose, as in creation of art or inventions. Reaction formation : Transforming anxiety producing thoughts or feelings into their opposites in consciousness. Regression : Returning to more primitive levels of behavior in defense against anxiety or frustration.

Denial : Refusing to admit that something unpleasant is happening, or that a taboo emotion is being experienced.

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Denial blocks or distorts perception; repression blocks or distorts memory. Hi there! Click one of our representatives below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism

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Defense Mechanisms And The First Defense Mechanism

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