Cross Curricular Strategies For Students -

Congratulate: Cross Curricular Strategies For Students

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Cell Phone Evolution Good and Bad 2 days ago · Over the past few weeks, our Year 8 students have worked on a cross curricular digital project in their English and History lessons. They were tasked with creating their very own websites reflecting their research and learning on the First World War. We are now very excited to launch their websites for you to view. Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Educators use our materials to supplement the curriculum, to inform their practices, and to create civil and inclusive school communities where children are respected, valued and welcome participants. 3 hours ago · Essay on cross curricular teaching. Maan is meer dan machines. Maan is mensen. De bedreven denkers en doeners van Maan Engineering ontwikkelen en leveren de oplossing voor uw ‘hechtingsvraagstuk’. Onderdeel van Maan Group. Essay on cross curricular teaching.
Cross Curricular Strategies For Students Cross Curricular Strategies For Students Cross Curricular Strategies For Students

Over the past few weeks, our Year 8 students have worked on a cross curricular digital project in their English and History lessons. They were tasked with creating their very own websites reflecting their research and learning on the First World War.

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We are now very excited to launch their websites for you to view. Students have been focusing on a range of topics Cross Curricular Strategies For Students African soldiers, Indian soldiers, female war poets, the Western Front, the Battle of the Somme and famous poems. Their websites look at the conflict through the eyes of soldiers from all over the British Empire that fought in it, and link poets that recorded their fate.

Their work has been created by collaborating in small groups using new software called Adobe Spark and the quality of their work is really impressive demonstrating both their intellectual and creative skills! This project is the first of our planned Cross Curricular Digital work supported by our Communication and Digital Skills Lead Mr Inglis, who worked with both the English and History Faculties to aid the staff and students get to grips with the new software package to create up-to-the-minute digital projects to present their work.

Cross Curricular Strategies For Students

Our focus on Communication and Digital Skills forms a fundamental part of our Work Ready focus — equipping Hoe Valley School students with crucial skills that will benefit them in life after school. You can view the Year 8 websites below. Website Disclaimer Privacy and Cookies.]

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