Communicative Language Teaching Clt -

Communicative Language Teaching Clt

Communicative Language Teaching Clt Video

Professor Jack C. Richards - Communicative language teaching Communicative Language Teaching Clt

In other words, you put your students in language situations which are as close to real life as possible. Critics of these methods felt that students were not learning useful, functional English and once they were out of the classroom they were not fully prepared to deal in real English. Students, meanwhile, often found them boring and not always any use outside the classroom.

Communicative Language Teaching Clt

With CLT, you give your students language they need to deal with real situations. You place less importance on producing grammatically correct English but more importance on dealing effectively with the situation. For example, you might give two students a role play where the goal is to arrange the time and place of a business appointment.

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They may well make grammatical errors e. In other words, CLT deals with communicative competence — the ability to communicate — rather than grammatical accuracy. Students will often enjoy this kind of approach as it gives them useful and practical language which they can use straight away. However, some students who have Communifative languages in a more traditional manner can sometimes feel frustrated at not have a more rigid grammatical structure behind them. CLT shares a number of teaching practices with other approaches, but you will find you often use activities like these:. You set up a role play where the first student takes the part of an airport official, the second student plays the part of a visitor. I would CClt to confirm your visit to the Ford Car plant in Coventry from the 1st April to the 10th April. I Communicative Language Teaching Clt arranged a room at the City Plaza Hotel in Coventry for these dates.

Communicative Language Teaching

Our representative Mr Peter Smith will be there to meet you at Coventry airport when you arrive on the 1st April. I believe you have met before so you will have no problem in recognizing him. His contact number is The rest of the class watch the exchange and they, too, may be asked to complete the form as well. As you Communicative Language Teaching Clt see, this gives the Teaaching great practice in a language situation they may well meet outside the classroom. Open Menu. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the Learning Management process. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside the classroom. It is all about exchanging information. I hope you enjoy your stay and find it productive.

Communicative Language Teaching Clt

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Communicative Language Teaching Clt

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