Com 156 Week 6 Assignment -

Com 156 Week 6 Assignment

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For example, recent player legal troubles have been a problem for the NFL brand.

Com 156 Week 6 Assignment

You job is to develop an IMC brief. This deliverable will be used to instruct an external company that will be hired to develop an integrated marketing communications IMC Assifnment for your company. Your deliverable will be presented in four to five page paper and will follow APA6 formatting guidelines including a cover page and reference page Those two pages are included in the page count.

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Therefore, only two to three pages of actual Assiignment is needed. IMC Brief The brief should be a concise word document that answers each of these questions. Make sure to answer each question as the information is critical to help guide the creative team that will formulate the IMC campaign.

Com 156 Week 6 Assignment

Why are we developing a new IMC campaign? What is the problem? What is our objective quantified?


Who is the target customer? Who are we trying to reach? What are the characteristics of the target market? What is the message? How does our target currently perceive us?

week 6 assignment – My Perfect Tutors

How would we like the target to perceive us? What is the most persuasive idea we want to convey? What creative guidelines do we have to consider e. When will the message be delivered? What timeframe are we looking at for development and delivery?

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Where will the message be delivered? Which media will provide the most effective communications mix? How much will it cost? Students are required to submit countless assignments in a short time frame.]

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