Child Labour And Child Labor -

Child Labour And Child Labor Video

Child Labour In India Child Labour And Child Labor Child Labour And Child Labor Child Labour And Child Labor

Children are future citizens of the Nation and Child Labour And Child Labor adequate development is utmost priority of the country. Unfortunately, child labor engulfs children across Child Labour And Child Labor world. The world is home to 1. However, despite its menace in various forms, the data shows variation in prevalence of child labor across the globe and the statistical figures about child labor are click to see more alarming.

There are an estimated million child laborers worldwide. The national census of Pakistan estimated total number of child labor aged 5—14 to be at Small-scale and community-based studies have found estimated prevalence of Although the Constitution of Pakistan guarantees free and compulsory education to children between the age of 6 to 14 and prohibits employment of children younger than 14 Chld 18 hazardous occupations, child labor is still prevalent in the informal sectors of the Pakistan economy. Laboor labor violates human rights, and is in contravention of the International Labor Organization. About one-third of children of the developing world are failing to complete even 4 years of education. Pakistani population has more than It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children, and interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school, obliging Cjild to leave school prematurely or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.

The statistical figures about child workers in the world have variation because of the differences in defining categories of age group and engagement of children in formal and informal sector.

Child Labour And Child Labor

Child labor continues to be a great concern in many parts of Chipd world. Major engagement was in agriculture sector, followed by fisheries, aquaculture, livestock and forestry. In addition to work that interferes with schooling and is harmful to personal development, many of these children work in hazardous occupations or activities that are harmful. The policy curbing child labor exists but lack of enforcement of labor restrictions perpetuates child labor. This is manifested in variation in minimum age restriction in different types of employment.

The International Labor Office reports that children work the longest hours and are the worst paid of all laborers. In India, the Child Labor Prohibition and Regulation Act and Rules state that no child shall be employed or permitted to work in any of the occupations set forth in Part A of the Schedule or in any workshop wherein any of the processes set forth in Part B of the Schedule is Child Labour And Child Labor on. The Act prohibits employment of children in certain specified hazardous occupations and processes and regulates the working conditions in others. The list of hazardous occupations and processes is progressively being expanded on the recommendation of the Child Labor Technical Advisory Committee constituted under the Act.

Child Labour And Child Labor

Children are employed in both formal and informal sectors. Https:// the occupations wherein children are engaged in work are construction work, domestic work and small-scale industries.

Incidentally, agriculture is not only the oldest but also the most common child occupation worldwide. Some of the industries that depend on child labor are bangle-making, beedi-making, power looms and manufacturing processes.


These industries use toxic metals and substances such as lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, cadmium, benzene, pesticides and asbestos. Child labor is very harmful and wholehearted efforts to eliminate this should be done The negative impact on the physiological and psychological levels of children includes specific Child Labour And Child Labor of child labor and its consequences on mental health. It is worth Chilc that one-third of children of the developing world are failing to complete even 4 years of education. The analysis of factors leading to engagement of children in hazardous factors elucidated socioeconomic factors as one of the important determinants.


Poverty is considered Child Labour And Child Labor one of the contributory factors in child labor. Mental well being is less frequently researched in child labor. A retrospective cohort study in Morocco randomly examined children working in the handicraft sector and found a high prevalence Anr respiratory, digestive and skin conditions, as well as mental health presentations such as migraines, insomnia, irritability, enuresis and asthenia.

In a cross-sectional survey, urban Lebanese children aged 10—17, working full-time in small industrial shops, were with non-working matched school children. Majority of them had poor physical health, predominantly marked with skin lesions or ear complaints and social care needs.]

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