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Charlemagne King Of The Franks Video

Act I: King of the Franks Charlemagne King Of The Franks

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Charlemagne King Of The Franks

Charlemagne he successfully ruled his vast empire by carefully attending to the needs of his governed. Due to the prevailing social and political conditions, this was not the usual way of acting of the leaders. This, unlike his predecessors, did not consider his domains as personal assets from which to obtain wealth.

Charlemagne King Of The Franks

In this sense, there was the custom Charlemagne King Of The Franks dividing the kingdom proportionally among all living male children. This form of government created an atomization of the power of the State between multiple populations that were initially one and that later obeyed the orders of different kings. Similarly, the kings did not rule directly but through "palace stewards" who administered the kingdom on their behalf. All this created a disconnect between the monarchs and the subjects that resulted in a lack of knowledge on the part of the sovereign about the needs of his people. In Charlemane clear differentiation, throughout his year reign, Charlemagne undertook a host of social, governmental, and religious reforms.

Being aware of the immensity of the territory that he had to govern and its diversity of nationalities, he set about creating an identity as a people.

Charlemagne King Of The Franks

His desire for culture led Charlemgne to intervene in teaching and build schools. Likewise, it developed a form of central government that was supported by governments with local authority that, feeling part of a nascent common culture, worked efficiently and loyally in favor of the empire. Charlemagne undertook a territorial political reorganization. He divided the vast empire into 52 counties, and appointed a manager to administer them. In parallel, he formed a team of special agents called missi dominiciwho periodically audited these charges to make sure they link honestly and did not abuse their power.

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In addition, it Charlemagne King Of The Franks its central Charlemagne King Of The Franks team based on clearly defined functions. This team encompassed all the areas over which Charlemagne needed constant supervision. More info he designated a seneschal or head of the palace services and a waiter or administrator of the royal treasury. He also named a count palatine or legal expert and substitute for the emperor in cases of absence and a chancellor or notary of the emperor and an arch-chaplain or head of the palace religious services.

During his reign, Charlemagne instituted general assemblies called synodus, conventus, concilium, or placitum that were of an advisory nature. These were convened once a year and the greats of the kingdom attended populus. There he could hear opinions on matters of importance. The conclusions reached in the meetings with the populus were formalized in official writings called the capitulars. Its name came from the fact that such writings were organized by chapters. These gave force to the agreements and later they were transformed into laws. Charlemagne partnered with the church to achieve the creatio imperii christiani creation of a Christian empireadopting the pax christiana as social policy.

With this, he tried to achieve unity, justice and peace in both civil and ecclesiastical society. In his quest to achieve this goal, he lobbied counts provincial governors and their missis auditors to maintain a dignified and honest conduct.

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And filled the capitulars of types of infractions and their corresponding sanctions. In an uncommon twist for the time, it levied taxes on staples to avoid speculation. Also, it prohibited the accumulation of production surpluses and the loan with interest. He also created and maintained hospices, leprosariums, and other charitable institutions while whipping the desire for profit. From the beginning, Charlemagne was clear that the wide variety of nationalities in his empire had to be brought to unitarization.

The age of Charlemagne

For that, he maintained Christianity as the compulsory lifestyle of his empire Charlemagbe allowing certain cultural freedoms of nationalities. Diplomatic and alliance activity was intense during the reign of Charlemagne. In the same way, he maintained very good relations with the hierarchs of the Christian church. It is even believed that they were the true ideological supporters of his government.

Charlemagne set himself an objective to establish the kingdom of God on earth. This was one of the first projects to establish a religious vision of the world.

Charlemagne King Of The Franks

Additionally, he incorporated the power of his armies into his diplomatic practice.]

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