Causes Of The Enlightenment -

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James II was king between until he was dethroned by his son-in-law and daughter. The Glorious Revolution that occurred in to was a bloodless revolution in England that was a turning point in modern history. The true glory of the revolution was that it contained no massacre and that a settlement by consent was reached on the religious and political differences that had divided parties for ages. A thinker during the time, John Locke came up with new models and inspirations for the evolving concept of government. Locke argued that power came from the people, not from a. The Glorious Revolution Some say the glorious revolution was one of the greatest landmarks in the history of England. The glorious revolution is a very important event in history for multiple reasons. This was a pleasant change for England at the time because they had been experiencing plenty of fights over the throne and for once it was a relatively smooth transaction. After Charles the second died his brother. This uneasiness began during the Restoration period of England between Causes Of The Enlightenment Causes Of The Enlightenment

The French Revolution was the cause of many changes to the mainland of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The Revolution was a conflict over absolute monarchism, social inequality or estate system and economic injustice with the enlightenment and the knowledge of other revolutions, such as the American Revolution were also factors that contributed to the French Revolution.

The mighty reformation was a really frustrating time in the years of toand occurred over three stages, The Tennis Court Oath followed by The Great Fear then finally The Reign of Terror. After these three stages, Causes Of The Enlightenment Rule of the Moderates that ended the French Revolution, Napoleon was the savior as he was instrumental to ending the frustrating. The French, not at all like the Haitian slaves, were under a legislature as nationals and were trying to overthrow their current government.

Causes Of The Enlightenment

Louis XVI was the king of France and thusly was considered in charge of its monetary emergency and the disparity of the French society. The constitution allocates the rest of the government 's power to the legislature and judiciary.

Causes Of The Enlightenment

Britannica, Directory French History The Constitutional Monarchy lasted from to it was a revolutionary assembly formed by the Third Estate also known as the common people. It was formed to deal with some of Frances financial problems but without the king 's permission.

Revolution : The Glorious Revolution

They claimed their laws were in the king 's interest. King Louis XVI was outraged by the actions of the Third Estate and he ordered them to separate and closed their meeting place, but the National Assembly just met. Though the beginning of French revolution was just a movement for government reforms, but later it twisted ferocious that leaded to the abolition of monarchy and execution Causes Of The Enlightenment King Louis XVI.

The member of the third estate made their own national assembly fearing to bear Cause financial burden, and pledged Tennis Court Oath, and decided to remain there until a new constitution has been made. In addition, July 14,angry people of France, saw bastille a place to vent frustration and marquis De Launay along with his troop found no option else then to surrender to the mob. After coming to know about the fall of the Bastille, King Louis XVI removed the imperial troops from the French capital and brought back finance minister Jacques Necker However, he could Causew longer converse the Revolution, while the National Assembly from July 9 formally called the National Constituent Assembly became de facto the French.

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Then the Great Fear took place where the revolutionary ideas were spreading and bringing fear all around Europe. Many peasants were revolted because of the many years of inequality and exploration of the government. They made riots and strikes and fought for more equal rights.]

Causes Of The Enlightenment

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