Brain Development -

Brain Development

Brain Development Video

2-Minute Neuroscience: Early Neural development Brain Development.

The science of brain development reveals why teens are responsive to new experiences and influences, both positive and negative. This makes the teen years a period of great promise, but also of potential Brain Development, especially for addiction. From early adolescence through the mid-to-late 20s, the brain develops somewhat unevenly.

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The parts of the brain to develop first Devepopment those that control physical activity cerebellumBrain Development amygdala and motivation nucleus accumbens. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for impulse control, more reasoned thought and good judgment, develops later.

This leads to unpredictable — and sometimes risky — behavior. Unfortunately, developing brains are also more susceptible than the brains of adults to damage from outside influences.

Effects of substance use on the developing brain

This means substance use during the teen years creates a more distinct risk for immediate and lasting harm. Finding ways to satisfy our different needs and desires is a part of life. The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells. Nerves control everything from when the heart beats Brain Development what your teen feels, thinks and does.

Brain Development

They do this by sending electrical signals throughout the body. The signals get passed from nerve to nerve by chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Some of the signals that neurotransmitters send cause feelings of satisfaction or pleasure.

The adolescent brain

For example, when we eat something tasty, neurotransmitters tell us we feel good. As time goes on, the brain needs more Brain Development more of the substance to feel its positive effects. This effect is known as tolerance, and it can be especially dangerous in the cases of drugs like heroin and cocaine. When a person stops taking a substance, dopamine levels Beain low for some time.

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They may feel down, or flat, and unable to experience the natural pleasures in life. The brain will eventually restore the dopamine balance by itself, but it takes time.

Brain Development

This can take anywhere from hours, to days, or even months, depending on the substance, the length and amount of use and the person. Because teenagers have an over-active impulse to seek pleasure and less ability to consider the consequences, they are especially vulnerable when it comes Brain Development nicotine, alcohol or drugs.

Identify whether your child could be at higher risk Brani drug or alcohol use, and learn common reasons for why young people may use. Understanding why some teens drink or use drugs is a valuable step toward keeping them healthy and safe. Learn ways to create a strong bond with your child to help reduce their chances of engaging in risky behavior. The best way to prevent your child from taking negative risks Brain Development to replace them with healthy risks. The adolescent brain. Effects of substance use on the developing brain. On This Page.]

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