Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood -

Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood.

Two or three angels Came near to the earth. They saw a fat church. Little black streams of people Came and went in continually.

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And the angels were puzzled To know why the people went thus, And why they stayed so long within. I think the poem shows how we as humans have a need to worship or pray or honor our God in a Church.

Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood

Yes it is a Holy House Of God, but you can also do the same things in your home. We dont need to be in a church to Americxn close to God, and that is what society thinks these days. Religion, well-accepted by sociery, has little to do with reality or true spirituality. This poem seems unfinished. Yet interesting at the same time. I feel as if I should add an ending that satisfies me.

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April 17, at pm. Mike says:. December 21, at pm. Peter C.

Analysis Of Crane And American Manhood

Langella says:. November 13, at am.]

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