An Officers Job Is Not All Guns -

An Officers Job Is Not All Guns Video

UK might give guns to more police officers

An Officers Job Is Not All Guns - very pity

Sheriff Wayne Ivey previously said Deputy Jafet Santiago-Miranda and Deputy Carson Hendren were attempting to conduct a traffic stop on Friday on what they believed was a possible stolen car. Law enforcement in the Cocoa area had sent out a bulletin warning authorities to be on the lookout for a stolen vehicle that fled from a previous traffic stop. As of Wednesday, authorities have not confirmed if the vehicle involved was stolen or if it was the same vehicle involved in the previous traffic stop. Ivey said Crooms was behind the wheel as he accelerated toward Santiago-Miranda. According to Ivey, a third person inside the vehicle told the Florida Department of Law Enforcement they heard the verbal commands from inside the car and Crooms still accelerated. The sheriff previously noted that two guns were found in the car the two teens were in. Since Santiago-Mirando opened fire, he has been put on paid administrative leave. As the shooting occurred in Cocoa police jurisdiction, the department requested FDLE handle the investigation, which is standard protocol when a law enforcement officer uses deadly force. The families of the two teens have secured notable civil rights attorney Ben Crump to represent them. Gaby is a multimedia producer from Miami.

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An Officers Job Is Not All Guns

What is that? What do you think that is? Check his pulse! The F.

Both deputies involved have been placed on administrative leave

After the graphic video circulated widely on social media, the mayor denounced the actions of the four officers who were involved and said on Tuesday afternoon that they had been fired. He identified the victim as George Floyd. Floyd, 46, a resident of St. Louis Park, Minn.

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Monday at Hennepin County Medical Center, according to the medical examiner. The arrest took place on Monday evening, the Minneapolis Police Department said in a statement, after officers responded to a call about a man suspected of forgery. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. On Tuesday afternoon, Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis tweeted that four officers involved in the case had been terminated. As the video spread on social media on Monday night, the arrest quickly drew comparisons to the case of Eric Garnera black man who died in New York police custody in after an officer held him a chokehold.

An Officers Job Is Not All Guns

Frey said in a statement on Tuesday. Five minutes. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Biden wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night.

An Officers Job Is Not All Guns

Hundreds of people gathered on Tuesday at the intersection where Mr. Floyd had been subdued, protesting the conduct of the officers.

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It was not immediately clear who did the shooting, he said. Some protesters vandalized police vehicles with graffiti and targeted the precinct house where the four officers had been assigned, Mr. Elder said. The police fired foam projectiles known as marking rounds and used tear gas to try to repel some of the protesters, he said.

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The Police Department did not immediately say if there had been any arrests. The video recorded in Minneapolis on Monday shows that after a few minutes, the man, lying face down in the street with his hands cuffed behind his back, becomes silent and motionless; the officer continues to pin the man to the pavement with his knee. Another officer faces the people gathered on the sidewalk. The medic turns away, and a stretcher is wheeled over.

The arrested man is then rolled onto the stretcher, loaded into an ambulance and taken away.]

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