An Evaluation Of Finite Duration - amusing
Instantaneous dynamic equilibrium IDE is a standard game-theoretic concept in dynamic traffic assignment in which individual flow particles myopically select en route currently shortest paths towards their destination. We analyze IDE within the Vickrey bottleneck model, where current travel times along a path consist of the physical travel times plus the sum of waiting times in all the queues along a path. Although IDE have been studied for decades, several fundamental questions regarding equilibrium computation and complexity are not well understood. In particular, all existence results and computational methods are based on fixed-point theorems and numerical discretization schemes and no exact finite time algorithm for equilibrium computation is known to date. As our main result we show that a natural extension algorithm needs only finitely many phases to converge leading to the first finite time combinatorial algorithm computing an IDE. We complement this result by several hardness results showing that computing IDE with natural properties is NP-hard. Browse State-of-the-Art. Get the latest machine learning methods with code. Browse our catalogue of tasks and access state-of-the-art solutions. Tip: you can also follow us on Twitter.An Evaluation Of Finite Duration - opinion useful
Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or it is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. The entropy evaluation method of assembly stress has become a hot topic in recent years. However, the current research can only evaluate the maximum stress magnitude and stress magnitude uniformity, and it cannot evaluate the stress position distribution. In this paper, an evaluation method of stress distribution characterized by strain energy density distribution is proposed. In this method, the relative entropy is used as the evaluation index of the stress distribution difference between the error model and the ideal model. It can evaluate not only the stress magnitude, but also the stress position. On this basis, an optimization method of the precise assembly process which takes the relative entropy as the optimization objective is proposed.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] An Evaluation Of Finite Duration](
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Z Transform for finite duration sequences An Evaluation Of Finite DurationWilliams, D.

November 16, Mechanisms Robotics. February ; 13 1 : For many planar bipedal models, each step is divided into a finite time single support period and an instantaneous double support period.
During single Fiinte, the biped is typically underactuated and thus has limited ability to reject disturbances. The instantaneous nature of the double support period prevents nonimpulsive control during this period. However, if the double support period is expanded to finite time, it becomes overactuated. While it has been hypothesized that this overactuation during a finite-time double support period may improve disturbance rejection capabilities, this has not yet been tested.

This An Evaluation Of Finite Duration presents a refined biped model by developing a finite-time, adaptive double support controller capable of handling the overactuation and limiting slip. Using simulations, we quantify the disturbance rejection capabilities of this controller and directly compare them to a typical, instantaneous double support model for a range of gait speeds and perturbations. We find that the finite-time double support controller increased the walking stability of the biped in approximately half of Duratipn cases, indicating that a finite-time double support period does not automatically increase disturbance rejection capabilities.
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We also find that the timing and magnitude of the perturbation can affect if a finite-time double support period enhances stability. Finally, we demonstrate that the adaptive controller reduces slipping. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search.
Skip Nav Destination Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation. Volume 13, Issue 1. Previous Article Next Article. Article Navigation. Research Papers. Daniel S. WilliamsDaniel S. Email: dmw psu.]
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