A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up

The Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming STOP Program Area Six connects California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmates and parolees to comprehensive, evidence-based programming and services during their transition into the community, with priority given to those participants who are within their first year of release and who have been assessed to as a moderate to high risk to reoffend.

A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up

STOP subcontracts with detoxification, licensed residential treatment programs, outpatient programs, professional services, and reentry and recovery housing throughout the program area to assist participants with reentry and recovery resources. Will provide direct case work services to participants on parole within the community, conduct unannounced quality assurance site visits to subcontractors, assign service level to participants based on Secondary Assessment, Case Management Plan CMP development and updates, file reviews, ancillary service procurement, maintaining open and continuous dialogue with Parole Agent of Record AORdevelopment of discharge plans and levels of care including extension requests based on need.

Job Overview

STOP Case Managers are responsible for assessing client needs and strengths Pwtient support of health and recovery. Through an array case management services and providing high quality customer service, STOP Case Managers assist clients in navigating the needed services to reach health and recovery. Case Management Responsibilities: Maintains an assigned caseload of CDCR clients and conducts face-to-face assessments, progress reviews and updates with each client. Provides learning experience opportunities and offers clinical support to assist clients in meeting their treatment goals.

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Corresponds with Agent of Record and assigns authorization for readmissions. Ensures ongoing communication with the CDCR personnel regarding participants. Maintains accurate and comprehensive files on each caseload client and community based providers.

A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up

Reconciles Activity Reports with community providers. Completes reports as assigned. Attends required trainings and meetings and assist in training of new hires.

A Case Manager Setting The Patient Up

Maintains accurate records by data entering documentation into various electronic systems for all caseload participants in accordance with guidelines established by HealthRIGHT to satisfy internal and external evaluating requirements. Placement Responsibilities: Assess, schedules and coordinates placements of project referrals into appropriate community placements. Coordinates transportation with Dispatcher. Matches inmates Patint the appropriate level of care within a network of sub-contracted community based providers. Screens paperwork for possible obstacles to treatment provision. Conduct daily communication with Parole Agents.]

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