A Brief Note On The Australian Federal - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Brief Note On The Australian Federal A Brief Note On The Australian Federal

It was a victory years in the making. But the Obama-Biden Administration got it done. Today, the Affordable Care Act is Brkef a big deal. Because of Obamacare, over million people no longer have to worry that an insurance company will deny coverage or charge higher premiums just because they have a pre-existing condition — whether cancer or diabetes or heart disease or a mental health challenge.

Insurance companies can no longer set annual or lifetime limits on coverage.

A Brief Note On The Australian Federal

Roughly 20 million additional Americans obtained the peace of mind that comes with health insurance. But, every day over the past ten years, the Affordable Care Act has been under relentless attack.

A Brief Note On The Australian Federal

Immediately after its passage, Congressional Republicans began trying again and again to repeal it. Following the lead of President TrumpRepublicans in Congress have only doubled down on this approach since January And, since repeal through Congress has not been working, President Trump has been unilaterally doing everything he can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Now, the Trump Administration is trying to get the entire law — including protections for people with pre-existing conditions Tue struck down in court. As president, Biden will protect the Affordable Care Act from these continued attacks. He opposes every effort to get rid of this historic law — including efforts by Republicans, and efforts by Democrats. Instead of starting from scratch and getting rid of private insurance, he has A Brief Note On The Australian Federal plan to build on the Affordable Care Act by giving Americans more choicereducing health care costsand making our health care system less complex to navigate.

For Biden, this is personal. He believes that every American has a right to the peace of mind that comes with knowing Auxtralian have access to affordable, quality health care.

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Sincethe number of uninsured Americans has increased by roughly 1. As president, Biden will stop this reversal of the progress made by Obamacare. Today, even for people with health insurance, our health care system is too expensive and too hard to navigate.

Biden will not only provide coverage for uninsured Americans, it will also make health care more affordable and less complex for all. The Biden Plan has several additional proposals aimed directly at cutting the cost of health care and making the Austrailan care system less complex to navigate.


As President, Biden will:. Too many Americans cannot afford their prescription drugs, and prescription drug corporations are profiteering off of the pocketbooks of sick individuals. Biden will put a stop to runaway drug prices and the profiteering of the drug industry by:. Joe Biden believes that every American — regardless of gender, race, income, sexual orientation, or zip code — should have access to affordable and quality health care. Yet racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination permeate our health care system just as in every other part of society. As president, Biden will be a champion for improving access to health care and the health of all by:.]

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