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Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The Video

Voltaire: The Man Who Fought For Freedom Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The

Heels are most often associated with femininity, and as a result, Opression imposed on women for the sake of keeping up with the imagery. Multiple versions of the heel have been invented, such as pumps, stilettos, kitten heels and many more, and it is expected of women to wear heels to most places outside of the casual settings — their workspaces, fashion runways and extending, but not limited, to parties of differing natures. Multiple ceremonies and awards functions have a requirement that women must wear heels, the Cannes Film Festival in France is one of the biggest examples of this; one of their rules regarding the dress code stipulates that all women attendees must wear high heels in order to attend the ever so prestigious film festival.

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Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The Over the years, several women celebrities have been stopped from attending the film festival for not wearing high heels. Not only such events but many companies, office places and restaurants require female employees to wear heels. There have been several instances of discrimination against women for their refusal to wear heels. For example, one such case of discrimination occurred when Nicola Thorp was fired by her manager for refusing to wear heels on her first day of work at an office job in London back in She was dressed in a suit and a pair of formal shoes. Shortly after she was fired, Thorp gained worldwide support for challenging the manager by filing a petition.

The government concurred and felt that she had been discriminated against for not wearing heels, which is unlawful. Wearing heels has become common in this day and age, it is expected of women to wear exhaustingly high heels everywhere. But there is a question that arises, how much of this expectation to wear heels for formal occasions is justified? It is evident that women must have the freedom of choice to wear whichever footwear or clothing they feel most comfortable in. If a woman feels most comfortable while wearing heels, then that is a fully valid choice.

Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The

But even in these progressive times, it is men who enjoy the very same freedom, i. Most women do not expressly enjoy wearing heels every single day, the same footwear which can become extremely painful for a person to wear for a mere few hours. Aside from giving women a sense of authority and power while wearing heels, there seem to be no other evident benefits or signs of comfort for a woman to wear the same.

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The question arises, why do women continue wearing heels despite all the negative aspects, and there being no apparent need to? The answer to this lies in the oppression of women, which ultimately stems from the system of patriarchy which is persistent in remaining pervasive in society. The history of heels can be traced back to the 3, BCE; where it was mostly the nobility who wore heels, as opposed to the common people who roamed around barefoot. Heels were also used for practical purposes, such as by butchers to ensure their feet did not come in contact with the blood or the meat of the animal. Heels were later on adopted by the Greeks and Romans to display the differences between different social classes, it Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The suggested that men belonging to the Middle East — who wore heels during wars while riding horses in order to get a better grip while shooting arrows — brought the concept of heels to Europe.

Voltaire s View Of Oppression From The

Thus, European aristocracy soon thereafter realised that heels served a practical purpose of keeping their feet Voltaird of the mud. After all, it was mostly the higher classes who cared about protecting their feet from mud or dirt as a means to distinguish themselves from the lower classes whilst also serving a useful purpose at https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/culture-and-selfaeesteem/condemn-it-or-accept-it.php same time. Both men and women had begun wearing heels around this time.

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They were famous for being severely uncomfortable and hard to walk in, and often required the assistance of several men to help in walking. The chopines were the first heels that were specifically designed for women, but many feminists argue that they were invented to limit the movement of women and to ensure they do not leave their households as much. In addition to this, it became common practice to force Chinese concubines and Turkish odalisques to wear chopines in order to ensure that they would not flee. The very first example of men using heels to control continue reading movement or freedom of women can be seen here.

Up and until the 17th century, heels were most commonly worn by men. In the 18th century, however, when the idea of imperialism had started to spread around the world, men started to abandon heels.

Aurelio Voltaire at the Logan Mansion in Shreveport, LA

By the 19th century, heels went on to be recognised as something inherently feminine. Since then, a multitude of designers such as Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, Alexander Mcqueen, and Christian Louboutin have invented different versions of the heel — all men designers scrambled to create a more elevated and much more impractical version of the heel. Designers who are known for creating quality heels usually happen to be men; the irony of men creating such footwear meant especially for women cannot go unnoticed. Heels often put pressure on not only the feet but also the back, spines, knees and toes.]

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