Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of -

Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of

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Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of - opinion you

Abstract: Thomas' Argument from Necessity is outlined and explained. He argues that since all existent things depend upon other things for their existence, there must exist at least one thing that is a Necessary Being. Some standard objections to that argument are also briefly discussed. If the universe or parts of it, do exist necessarily, then it has its necessity from another necessary being, God who has its necessity of itself. Thomas' Argument from Necessity begins with a number of empirical observations including the premise that contingent objects in the world come into existence and pass away. The Argument from Necessity: Since objects in the universe come into being and pass away, it is possible for those objects to exist or for those objects not to exist at any given time. Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of

Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of Video

The Cosmological Argument (Argument for the Existence of God)

Malcolm Keating.

Philosophy of Religion

London: Bloomsbury Academic, Bloomsbury Collections. Copyright Forr Keating All rights reserved. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Malcolm Keating ed. The full text of this chapter is available as a preview. Access to the full text of the entire book is only available to members of institutions that have purchased access. If you belong to such an institution, please log in or read more about How to Order. This book is designed to introduce readers to a controversy in Indian philosophy over reasoning.

Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of

That discussion then continues in the essays which draw on the Sanskrit source materials and, with them, engage in constructive philosophical work. Thus, for readers new to Indian philosophy and its dialectics, begin with the Introduction which will give you relevant conceptual context for entering into the discussion.

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From there, depending on your interests, you can move into the source material directly or begin by reading the essays which examine the philosophical implications of the debate. The appended glossaries should be helpful for the technical vocabulary involved in the debate.

Two Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of

And it is a question for scholars how closely the representation actually tracks the traditions, something readers may notice themselves. Further, early Sanskrit philosophers e. These remarks are indented from the main text. Back to Search Go to Page.

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Go Pages Front matter unlocked item Preface. English—Sanskrit Glossary. Sanskrit—English Glossary. Name and Subject Index.]

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