This Assignment Is An Opportunity To Integrate Video
Directors info session 1 13 2021 This Assignment Is An Opportunity To IntegrateThis assignment is intended to provide an opportunity to integrate and apply the various concepts discussed in class and the readings.

You must choose two theories from two different categories of theories. The categories are:social theories chapters 7, 8 and parts of 4 that discuss social aspects like parentingbiological theories chapters 2 and 3 and psychological theories chapters 5, 6, 9 In your analysis of the offender, explain how well these theories explain the offender.
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Importantly, also discuss research on this theory and include any limitations of this theory. For instance, if your chosen offender committed sexual homicides and youve chosen paraphilia as a theory, the research Assignmeng be about the connection between paraphilia and sexual homicide or violence. Do not forget that you also need an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

This assignment is due on November 23, Papers submitted more than one week late will not be accepted. Please see the marking rubric on the next page for more details on how this will be marked. Your paper will need to have an introduction and a conclusion. For this assignment you will choose a real life offender and explain their behaviour with two theories, using research studies.
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You will also examine the applicability of these two theories critically, including any limitations the theory as e. A detailed description of this assignment is in the back pages of this syllabus, and a marking rubric. Name required. Mail will be published required. Crim Assignment November 21st, Posted in High schoolLaw. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply.]
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