The Use Of Violence In Video Games - theme simply
Sonya S. Brady, Ph. Matthews, Ph. The sample included men with varying lifetime exposure to violence within the home and the community. Compared with the men in the The Simpsons: Hit and Run group, the men who played Grand Theft Auto III had greater increases in diastolic blood pressure from baseline rest period to game play. In this group, those who experienced greater exposure to violence in the home and community also exhibited elevated systolic blood pressure relative to their peers who played the low-violence game. The Grand Theft Auto III group also exhibited greater negative affect, more uncooperative behavior and were more permissive toward alcohol and marijuana use.The Use Of Violence In Video Games - are mistaken
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Violent Video GamesPlaying violent video games is different from playing positive, constructive games.
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In fact, violent videogames may have an even more powerful influence than violent television and movies, whose risks have been documented for decades. While violent video games may promote some complex problem solving and coordination skills as well, they may also have multiple negative effects. Taking sides: Clashing views in lifespan development, 6th ed.

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