The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking Video
Creative Thinking Exercises - try it if you're a creative! The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking](

The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking is a test of creativity. Built on J. Guilford's work and created by Ellis Paul Torrancethe Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking TTCTa test of creativityoriginally involved simple tests of divergent thinking and other problem-solving skills, which were scored on four scales:. The third edition of the TTCT in eliminated the Flexibility scale from the figural test, but added Resistance to Premature Closure based on Gestalt Psychology and Abstractness of Titles as two new criterion-referenced scores on the figural.
My Own Creative Process And Transformative Experiences During The Stages Of Work Essay Torrance called the Crewtive scoring procedure Streamlined Scoring. With the five norm-referenced measures that he now had fluency, originality, abstractness of titles, elaboration and resistance to premature closurehe added 13 criterion-referenced measures which include: emotional expressiveness, story-telling articulateness, movement or actions, expressiveness of titles, syntheses of incomplete figures, synthesis of lines, of circles, unusual visualization, extending or breaking boundaries, humor, richness of imagery, colourfulness of imagery, and fantasy.
According to Arasteh and Arasteh the most systematic assessment of creativity in elementary school children has been conducted by Torrance and his associates a,b, c, Orwho have developed and administered the Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking MTCTwhich was later renamed as the TTCT, to several thousands of school children. Although they have used many of Guilfords concepts in their test construction, the Minnesota group, The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking contrast to Guilford, has devised tasks which can be scored for several factors, involving both verbal and non-verbal aspects and relying on senses other than vision.
These tests represent a fairly sharp departure from the factor type tests developed by Guilford and his associates Guilford, Merrifield and Cox, ; Merrifield, Guilford and Gershan,and they also differ from the battery developed by Wallach and Koganwhich contains measures representing creative tendencies that are similar in nature Torrance, To date, several longitudinal studies have been conducted to follow up the elementary school-aged students who were first administered the Torrance Tests in in Minnesota.

There was a year follow-up, [2] [3] [4] a year follow-up, [5] and a year follow-up [6]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Creative Child and Adult Quarterly, 3, Predicting the creativity of elementary school children 80 and the teacher who "made a difference.
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Empirical validation of criterionreferenced indicators of creative ability through a longitudinal study. Creative Child and Adult Quarterly, 6, Gifted Child Quarterly, 49, Creativity Research Journal, 22 4.

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