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Cartagena, Colombia, Nov 16 efe-epa. The General Maritime Directorate Dimar reported that the usual sea level in front of the city has risen about 60 centimeters, which means that almost all the streets of the tourist neighborhoods of Bocagrande, Castillogrande and El Laguito remain flooded and traffic cut off. Rising waters have also flooded numerous homes in the populous sectors of La Boquilla and Marlinda in the north of the city. There, the streets are completely flooded and people moving about outside do so with water up to their knees. Two days ago the mayor of Cartagena decreed an emergency for the damage caused by Iota, which was a tropical storm on Saturday when it passed through the city and quickly became a category five hurricane as it advanced through the Caribbean Sea towards Central America. So far the magnitude of the disaster on the island of Providencia is unknown as there has been no communication since 3. To deal with the emergency in Cartagena, the authorities have delivered more than three tons of humanitarian aid, including food, clothing, mats, markets and drinking water to people who have totally or partially lost their homes and have been staying in shelters since Saturday. They also put into operation heavy machinery in three towns in the city to unblock sewers and drains, and to clean debris-covered streets. The passage of Iota through the Colombian Caribbean leaves more than , people with either their homes damaged or unusable. Online News Editor November 16, 1 minute read.

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Hurricane Katrina - New Orleans Storm Surge The Storm Surge Of The Hurricane The Storm Surge Of The Hurricane

The hurricane made landfall as a Category 4 storm

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The Storm Surge Of The Hurricane

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The dangerous storm came ashore with sustained winds near 155 mph.

Share: Share Tweet Email. In a one-two punch, Hurricane Iota roared ashore as a dangerous Category 4 storm along almost exactly the same stretch of Nicaragua's Caribbean coast that was devastated by an equally powerful Hurricane Syrge 13 days earlier. Iota had intensified into an extremely dangerous Category 5 storm during the day Monday, but the U. National Hurricane Center said it weakened slightly as it neared the coast late Monday and made landfall with maximum sustained winds of mph kph.

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