The Protestant Reformation And The Protestant Reformation - where
It began with the Council of Trent —63 and largely ended with the conclusion of the European wars of religion in Initiated to address the effects of the Protestant Reformation, [ citation needed ] the Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort composed of apologetic and polemical documents and ecclesiastical configuration as decreed by the Council of Trent. Such policies had long-lasting effects in European history with exiles of Protestants continuing until the Patent of Toleration , although smaller expulsions took place in the 19th century. Such reforms included the foundation of seminaries for the proper training of priests in the spiritual life and the theological traditions of the Church, the reform of religious life by returning orders to their spiritual foundations, and new spiritual movements focusing on the devotional life and a personal relationship with Christ , including the Spanish mystics and the French school of spirituality. It also involved political activities that included the Spanish Inquisition and the expulsion or forcible conversion of hundreds of thousands of Protestants. Various Counter-Reformation theologians focused only on defending doctrinal positions such as the sacraments and pious practices that were attacked by the Protestant reformers, [4] up to the Second Vatican Council in — Pope Paul III —49 is considered the first pope of the Counter-Reformation, [3] and he also initiated the Council of Trent —63 , tasked with institutional reform, addressing contentious issues such as corrupt bishops and priests, the sale of indulgences , and other financial abuses. The council upheld the basic structure of the medieval church , its sacramental system, religious orders, and doctrine. It recommended that the form of Mass should be standardised, and this took place in , when Paul V made the Tridentine Mass obligatory. The Protestant Reformation And The Protestant Reformation.The Protestant Reformation And The Protestant Reformation Video
The Protestant Reformation explained (explainity® explainer video)Relativism is not a new phenomenon. There are two sides to everything. Man is the measure of all things, of those being that they are, of those not being, that they are not. At the rate at which this relativism spreads, it might well spark the demise of western civilization as it is known.
By means of the protestant reformation, the rejection Reforjation absolute truth an authority to safeguard that truth, man established himself as his own authority over matters of truth and morals.

Consequently, man rejected the very notion of objective truth, opting for a subjective, variable reality. Thus, the heresy of Protestantism inevitably sowed the seeds for modern relativism as we know it. As John Cardinal Newman states:.

Such, then, is popular Protestantism, considered in its opposition to Catholics. Its truth is establishment by law; its philosophy is theory; its faith is prejudice; its facts are fiction; its reasoning fallacies; and its security is ignorance about those whom it is opposing.
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The law says that white is black; ignorance says, why not? Theory says it ought to be; fallacy says it must be; fiction says it is, and prejudice says it shall be. Relativism as a concept developed over the course of centuries, beginning with a skeptical approach to spiritual Tye moral absolute truths with the Protestant Reformation. By virtue of the Protestant Revolt, Christianity encountered a division so calamitous that it rendered the Christian faith, as a whole, in a state of rancorous and discordant disarray, ultimately culminating in a religious war in the seventeenth century.
Accordingly, the masses concurred that Christianity could no longer function as the foundation for civilization and its societal development. Christians, in further splintering themselves, became their own counter-witness for the unity of the faith they proclaimed, all in the name of avoiding contention due to intolerance of variance in belief. This determination planted the seeds for further discord, see more much so that, upon the second stage of the western development, i.
When borders were expanded, different peoples were encountered, Rformation with their own cultures. As a result, there the missionary drive to propagate the Gospel. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned conception was coupled with an already opaque understanding of truth. Christian missionaries, in the process of proclaiming the Gospel, realized that there existed nations beyond their borders, such as China, that were technologically, societally, politically and academically advanced in their own right, and that had become so without the moral Protstant theological guidance of Christianity. After all, if there is no absolute truth or morality, then what is true for some might well be true in its own right. This phenomenon was intensified by the reality that, because of the paradigm of dubiety through which truth was being viewed, people did not make careful and articulate distinctions as to the disparity of what separates truth and knowledge from Protesttant practices.
When some fundamental tenets of life and reality are undermined, when the pursuit of the intellect for objective truth The Protestant Reformation And The Protestant Reformation hampered, man inevitably questions everything else that is contained within those weltanschauungs.

All these stages of development continually compounded upon themselves, so much so that during the rise of empirical science, man had become both comfortable with and accustomed to the false reality of non-objective metaphysical truth. As a result, he innovated a method that placed prominence on knowledge that could be tangibly observed, in stark contrast to the pursuit of the esoterically unseen. The ensuing centuries did not bode well for a harmonious interdependency between objective truth and the development of western civilization.
Nonetheless, the principle caused its own defeat because the certitude that it promises was inescapably juxtaposed with the fact that the private judgment of countless individuals was leading each of them to different conclusions about the very same realities, e.
This whole segment demonstrates, at least from a historical-logical perspective, how the protestant tenet of private judgment paved the way Protextant modern relativism as it is known today. The battle of the Church, today, is twofold. On the one hand, against Protestants, she preserves and upholds the fullness of truth in her absolute and objective sense against a premise that is intellectually and morally irrational.]
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