The Pregnancy And Sexual Transmitted Disease Std Video
How can I reduce my risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease? The Pregnancy And Sexual Transmitted Disease StdThe time sexually transmitted disease STD is used to refer to a condition given from one person to another during sexual contact.
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Depending on the specific STD, viruses may also be transmitted through sharing syringes and breastfeeding. But some STDs cause visible symptoms. In men, common symptoms involve: Pain or embarrassment during sex or urination Sores, bumps, or rashes on or about the penis, testicles, anus, buttocks, Pregnanyc, or mouth Abnormal discharge or bleeding from the penis Painful or enlarged testicles Particular symptoms can change, depending on the STD.
Common STDs are curable.
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Treatment options are usually available to help relieve symptoms and lower your chances of transmitting the STD to someone other. Take the time to learn more about curable and deadly STDs. In newborns, STDs can cause difficulties. In some cases, they can be life-threatening.

If you test positive for one or higher STDs while pregnant, your doctor might prescribe antitoxins, antiviral pills, or other treatments. In some cases, they might inspire you to give birth via a cesarean birth to lower the risk of transmission during pregnancy.

But even symptom-free STDs can create damage or be transferred to other people. Healthcare providers can diagnose most maximum STDs using a urine or blood analysis.

They may also take a swab of your genitals. Home experiment kits are also available for any STDs, but they may not ever be reliable. Use them with care. Check to see if the Food and Drug Administration has allowed the testing kit before purchasing it.
Study Design
A Pap smear checks for the appearance of precancerous cells on the cervix. Some people may help from more frequent testing than others. Find out if you should be examined for STDs and what the tests suggest. Otherwise, you transfer Prregnancy virus back and forth between you. Bacterial STDs: Normally, antibiotics can quickly treat bacterial infections. Continue using them even if you feel better before you stop taking all of them.]
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