The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion -

The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion

The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion Video

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The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion 710
The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion

Her passion for the uncharted path is equalled only by her passion for small insects — bees — that inspire her to seek out beekeepers and honey around the world. Tita has been around bees most of her life, from about age Her father SI was a tremendous influence.

The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion

Growing up, he kept bees in Long Island, and expanded it into a cottage business in Costa Rica, where he had hives across the country and sold honey in the local markets. I want to taste the honey! You might not think that honey is different around the world, but according to Tita, it is. The manuka plant or the bush produces a lot of hydrogen peroxide and has a bitter aftertaste. One honey that Tita did enjoy was in Morocco. I would peruse the marketplaces and in every other stall, people were selling bags of honey, bees and bee equipment. But she did in Bhutan. The beekeepers there are very laid back, they just get a box and put a tin roof on top.

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Cuba, she says, produces the most magnificent honey you could ever imagine. And in Italy, Tita says the Passjon and olive influences are a treat in the honey. One her most memorable experiences is observing a seven-year old African boy in Tanzania, climb a tree barefoot wearing only a pair of shorts. Most anywhere in the world, everyone knows where to tell you how and where to find a local beekeeper. Beekeepers pride themselves and love to share their story about how they got started and why.

The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion

Pretty simple…fascinating how Bees contribute to so many natural products…. Among her many experiences travelling, she enjoys visiting remote areas in countries like Bhutan, Vietnam, Cambodia and Chile, and combines her interest in beekeeping with spiritual retreats, nature and ancient cultural rituals. In her experience, she says bees, like us, love to travel. And, they give us hope for the future. They go out again with empty suitcases and they come back again with all kinds of goodies. The scouting sister comes back to the hive to show the other sisters where the best source of food can be found, by doing a dance.

The dance shows them exactly where the gold is. You go out and you gather information and you talk to people. Their biggest enemy is pesticides, as link as varroa mites and other diseases.

My Passion For traveling

One of the biggest killers of bees are these chemicals that people are putting on their grass and on their gardens. It only takes 16 days for her to emerge, which is interesting whereas the worker bee takes about 24 days to form.

The Passion Of Travelling Is My Passion

They basically do everything. They groom the queen, they feed the babies, they build the comb, they guard the entrance, they forage for nectar. Tita recommends not buying honey in a grocery store because it can be diluted with corn syrup, sugar water or sweeteners. She suggests visiting a beekeeper or an organic store for honey and raw honey.

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What that means is I take the honey out of the comb, I extract the through one filter and put it in a jar. I say great, a little source of protein. You just destroy the integrity of the honey and its medicinal uses and how healthy it is for you. Help support beekeepers. You know, this is a very expensive hobby and I learned that pretty quickly.]

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