The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion -

The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion

No more than hundred journalists received advance CDs of Harding's new record, while only a handful of radio stations received the single "Negative Love'. No other physical copies existed. Over the years those advance CDs have fetched untold hundreds of dollars from an eager fan base in search of Wes' great 'lost" album.

Rebelllion many - but not all - of the songs ended up on 's Adam's Apple DRT Recordswhich All Music Guide called 'the finest album of his career', those that did make the cut were in a jumbled running order. The album has never previously been released on vinyl. The audio has been remastered from the original tapes, and the package includes cover art from the original sessions and extensive liner notes.

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The CD package includes the original album plus a bonus unheard band demos and studio outtakes, all previously unreleased. SIDE A: 1. Nothing At All 2. Negative Love 3.

The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion

Monkey and his Cat 4. Hard 2. Pull 3. Sussex Ghost Story 4. When You Smile 2.

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Sluts 3. She Never Talks 4.

The Legacy Of Nat Turner s Rebellion

Already Dead 5. Slippery Slide to Bliss Out-take 2. Sluts Demo 3. Negative Love Demo 4.

Hey, We think we know you!

Monkey and his Cat Demo 5. Sleeper, Awake Demo. Sleeper, Awake 5. Hard 6. Pull 7.

Responsibility Of Responsibility

Sussex Ghost Story 8. It Stays 9. When You Smile Sluts She Never Talks Already Dead Protest Protest Protest from Adam's Apple ]

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