The Inequality Of The United States -

The Inequality Of The United States

The Inequality Of The United States Video

Wealth Inequality in America

The Inequality Of The United States - opinion you

The immediate priority is to protect the disadvantaged and the vulnerable from the health and economic impacts of the crisis. But policies must also address the deeper, structural drivers of the rise in inequality. The costs of the pandemic are being borne disproportionately by poorer segments of society. Low-income populations are more exposed to the health risks and more likely to experience job losses and declines in well-being. These effects are even more concentrated in economically disadvantaged minorities. The Inequality Of The United States

The coronavirus pandemic may have altered how many people in the United States view the poor, according to new research published in Inequalihy Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. The study indicates that people became more likely to blame external factors for poverty and less likely to blame personal failings after the outbreak of the virus.

The Inequality Of The United States

Based on their previous research, the authors of the new study had reason to believe that the pandemic might alter attitudes about the poor and inequality. The researchers used the online Prolific platform to survey Americans in April regarding their attributions of poverty and other factors.

The Inequality Of The United States

The participants were asked how important they believed various dispositional and situational factors were in explaining unemployment and poverty in the United States. A subgroup of of the original participants completed a second survey in Mayfollowing the coronavirus outbreak in the United States.

Income Inequality Of The United States

In the second survey, the participants also indicated the extent to which they believed the pandemic had negatively impacted the U. The researchers found that the participants reported lower dispositional attributions for poverty and higher situational attributions for poverty in the wake of the pandemic.

The Inequality Of The United States

Our paper showed that the pandemic has exacted some positive shifts in egalitarianism and beliefs about the poor. Throughout the pandemic, our data suggest that there has been some greater awareness in how uncontrollable events can exacerbate poverty.


But the pandemic was only associated with increased opposition to inequality and increased support for government intervention among those who most strongly acknowledged its negative impact. However, we saw overall attitude change i. But there is still much to learn about how the pandemic has impacted socio-political attitudes and behaviors. Do people donate more to the poor? Piff, Azim Shariff, and Lara B. Dolan November 21, Stay up-to-date on the latest psychology findings. Click here to like us on Facebook.]

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