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The Importance Of Friendships

Really. agree: The Importance Of Friendships

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The Importance Of Friendships

The Importance Of Friendships - really. was

You ever had the chance to soak in the interaction between two older black women? That one. But, the way black women have always given each other a shoulder to cry on through our mutual feelings, experiences and understanding, with our ability to uplift and hold each other down through it all — has been a recollection of the importance that black girl friendships hold. When others see us in disdain, we see the beauty in ourselves, and each other. The importance holds weight, emotionally, but sometimes can be as simple as the surface level. Commonalities of our features, our hair, our skin, our bodies, our style, the foods we like.

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I personally just love children especially the active naughty ones. Children under the age of five are my favorites. I love talking to them and can spend hours listening to them without getting bored at all. Children have such bright inquisitive minds with pure hearts full of innocence.

The Importance Of Friendships

They can be anything they want ,go wherever their imagination takes them. Buzz LightYear. Thomas The Tank engine. Popeye The Sailor Man. Our first friendships are formed from toddler hood. We make friends easily with children of all races ,no discrimination on basis of color,religion,social status or any other adults may use when choosing friends. Age,race,color do not matter to these little angels. They just want The Importance Of Friendships to play with them and Frieneships playmate is their friend no matter the age.

Why Are These Friendships Important?

Children who are brought up not only with love but also self-confidence and lots of understanding will inherit the same traits and reflect those in all of their relationships including early child hood friendships. Their importance is often overlooked yet such friendships form the foundation of healthy positive development of children as they grow older. Children are Impkrtance attached to their friends more so than adults.

The Importance Of Friendships

Sometimes parents are not so understanding and just ask the child to make new friends. But though children make new friends far more easily than adults do not think its easy for them.

The Importance Of Friendships

Moving into a new community and fitting in takes time even for adults who realise and understand why they had to move. And to integrate into a new community who may not be so welcoming. Children are always on the look out for playmates with whom they can share toys,games or become involved in outdoor activities like playing on the swings,roundabout,climbing frame.

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Plus in addition to that children are attracted to other children who are like them in appearanceand who love to do what they do. Reference Psychology Today. An article by Eileen Kennedy Moore in Psychology see above link describes how children at different stages of growth perceive peers as friends. I have referenced the information and adapted it in my own way for The Importance Of Friendships particular post. This Post seeks to explain and clarify that not only having a Best Friend Female BFF is good for you here is also very healthy and beneficial.]

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