The Immune System -

The Immune System - opinion

Maintaining a strong immune system is a key factor in ensuring that diseases are kept away as much as possible. As far as the immune system is concerned, three types of qi are important — wei qi , ying qi, and yuan qi. In fact, a large portion of your overall immunity is said to be dependent on wei qi , which acts as a protective blanket of your body. Ying qi refers to the immunity that you gain from consuming food. If you consume good, nutritious food, it will inevitably contribute to the strengthening of your immune system. Without proper nutrition, your immune system will only become weaker over time. Yuan qi is the protective energy that comes from the kidneys. This energy is believed to activate the essence of the blood, thus ensuring that the oxygen circulation system keeps functioning optimally. A healthy body is that which has a balanced flow of various types of qi. The Immune System. The Immune System

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Here are the nutrients to help you get through the next few months

With Covid cases surging as winter approaches, our energy levels and immune systems could use a boost. We often turn to comfort foods on cold, dreary days, but eating the right foods can strengthen our bodies in better ways.

The Immune System

Here are some of the most helpful nutrients for winter, and the foods to find them in. Vitamin B12 can help combat the winter blahs.

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It plays an important role in producing serotonin, which helps Tbe mood, says Mark Moyad, a director of complementary The Immune System alternative medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center. Getting enough B12 may help thwart symptoms of fatigue and even depression, he says. Skip to Main Content Skip to Search. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services Dow Jones. Coronavirus Resources. By Anne Marie Chaker.

The Immune System

Vitamin B12 Found in foods such as milk, meat and fortified foods like breakfast cereals. To Read the Full Story. Subscribe Sign In.

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