The Ethical Principles Of Assisted Suicide -

The Ethical Principles Of Assisted Suicide

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I think under certain circumstances assisted euthanasia should be allowed. I don't think it should be advertised so as to convince people to do it, nor should it be on offer for people who are depressed or suffering from mental illness. My father died of cancer. As did his father and his brothers and his father etc.

The Ethical Principles Of Assisted Suicide

Cancer of sAsisted prostate which spread by the time it was discovered. I remember my dad, and grandad, crying with pain and over the course of a few weeks their bodies shutting down until. In the end my dad was reduced to a body that was alive. When his heart stopped they simply didn't resuscitate.

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Look at it the other way around. Is there any justification for forcing those people to suffer? Assisted suicide with appropriate guidelines, eg, no pressure from the heirs, should absolutely be legal to allow people to avoid suffering and die with dignity. Euthanasia is absolutely ethical in some cases. People with terminal illnesses now have a choice instead of being forced to slowly decay into sickness and pain. Speaking as a long term stage four cancer patient, fuck anyone else's ethics, when the time comes I want to go at a time Suucide my choosing. I believe it is perfectly ethical. This is supposed to be a free country. However, young people need to be very careful.

The Ethical Principles Of Assisted Suicide

A lot of depressed people eventually get things together and have wonderful lives. Sign In. Assisted Suicide. Medical Ethics. Belief and Beliefs. Adult Question. Is assisted suicide and euthanasia ethical?

The Ethical Principles Of Assisted Suicide

Mark Jones. Related Questions. More Answers Below. What are the types of euthanasia? What is your stance on physician-assisted suicide? Should euthanasia be legalised?

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What's your position on euthanasia? Are you for or against it? Louis Cohen. Jaiden W. Dave Janney. George Goldberg.]

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