The Endangered Species List -

The Endangered Species List Video

Congo (9/9) Movie CLIP - Put 'Em on the Endangered Species List (1995) HD The Endangered Species List

Our ecosystem is designed brilliantly, as it allows us to co-exist. Animals, humans, reptiles, birds, plants all exist together. All these species are independents, either directly or indirectly, and help each other survive.

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Yet some of the animal species are endangered. We have put together a list of the most threatened and endangered species in the world.

The Endangered Species List

Animals are equally crucial the environment. However, when they go endangered, it comes with a cost. Most animals help in pollinating plants, exhale carbon dioxide for plants to breathe. Additionally, when they die and decompose, they provide minerals for the growth of the plants. Animals also Thee excellent companions to humans.

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Yet some of the animal species are becoming endangered and going extinct. The reasons for their decline are both human-made and natural. Environment and climate changes have also contributed to their endangerment. Humans are indeed destroying the Earth. Additionally, a threat from predators also leads to their dwindling Spexies of endangered species in the world. Not only animals but endangered languages are also becoming common, and they would perhaps slowly die. These top five most endangered animal species of this planet might go extinct. Continue reading not protected, The Endangered Species List you may only find them in books and articles.

Here Endangfred a list of endangered species in the world:. This hairy and giant wombat can be found in Queensland Australia and is soon going to be extinct. In the Epping Forest National Park. They are slowly built like all wombats. Their eyesight is weak, but their sense of smell is strong, which helps them to look for food.

The Endangered Species List

Their entire body has grey fur, even the nose. The sloth is lower than the other sloths and is only 48 to 53 cm long. They are arboreal and feed on leaves. You can only find these sloths on red mangroves. Since they feed on these leaves, which are low on nutrients, the Pygmy Sloth is lazy. The tree rat is only 18 inches long, similar to the size of the guinea pig. It is a nocturnal animal that feeds The Endangered Species List plant matter. Angel Shark also is known as Squatina Squatina. You can also find them in temperate and tropical seas.

The Endangered Species List

These are intelligent animal species which, while hunting camouflage themselves. The angel sharks hide under the sand while waiting for small fish to swim nearby for them to swallow. Their flattened body is also quite here to the Rays. The Angonoka or Ploughshare tortoise is also one of the rarest animals and to be endangered species of this planet.]

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