The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On -

The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On Video

What happens if You are An Alcohol and Tobacco Addict? - Effects on Brain and Body

The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On - will know

Alcohol , sometimes referred to by the chemical name ethanol , is a psychoactive drug that is the active ingredient in drinks such as beer , wine , and distilled spirits hard liquor. Ethanol is only one of several types of alcohol , but it is the only type of alcohol that is found in alcoholic beverages or commonly used for recreational purposes; other alcohols such as methanol and isopropyl alcohol are significantly more toxic. Methanol, being profoundly more toxic than ethanol, is lethal in quantities as small as milliliters tsp. Alcohol has a variety of short-term and long-term adverse effects. Short-term adverse effects include generalized impairment of neurocognitive function, dizziness , nausea , vomiting , and hangover -like symptoms. Alcohol can be addictive to humans , as in alcoholism , and can result in dependence and withdrawal. It can have a variety of long-term adverse effects on health, for instance liver damage , [15] brain damage , [16] and its consumption is the fifth leading cause of cancer. The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On

Most drug and alcohol abusers turn to those substances for their effects on the body and mind. However, what few early abusers realize is the long-lasting effects of drugs and alcohol on the body. Most drugs target the reward center of the brain. With each hit, the Alclhol center is flooded with dopamine, a brain chemical associated with pleasure.

After each use, your tolerance for dopamine rises, meaning you need more highs and higher doses to achieve the same level of pleasure.

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Apart from the alterations to your brain chemistry, drug and alcohol abuse can also cause damage to other organs like the skin, liver, kidneys, and stomach. Each drug enters the body The Effects Of Drugs And Alcohol On a different way — inhalation, injection, ingestion — all of which affect how the drug will change your body. Injuries can occur in many ways.

Substances like alcohol can lead to tripping from a loss of balance, injuries from a fight instigated by aggression, or even severe trauma or death if a vehicle is involved. Drugs like meth, cocaine, crack, and bath salts can all cause aggression which can lead to unintentional accidents, injuries as a result of fights, and domestic violence.

Apart from bumps, bruises, and more severe injuries you Efdects as a result of being under the influence, several things are going on inside your body which can lead to long-term, permanent damage.

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In the short term, drug abuse can cause nausea and vomiting, plus abdominal pain. In the long run, cocaine can lead to more abdominal pain and bowel tissue decay. Opioid use can also cause abdominal pain plus acid reflux and constipation. With alcohol and drug abuse, your liver will have to work overtime to metabolize those substances and detoxify the chemicals. This overworking can lead to severe liver damage or failure.

With extended drug and alcohol abuse, your immune is weakened, leaving your body open to viruses and infections.

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Drug use can cause abnormal heart rates or heart attacks. Injected drugs like heroin can cause veins to collapse or infections in the blood vessels and heart valves. We already touched on how sustained drug and alcohol abuse can alter your dopamine levels. But other adverse effects occur in the mind. Prolonged drug and alcohol use can lead to seizure, stroke, and permanent brain damage which can lead to impaired memory, vision, decision-making, and confusion.


Shortened attention span and mania can also be a result of extended drug abuse. With alterations in brain function also come behavioral changes. Here are some of the behavioral changes associated with commonly abused substances :. While the short-term Aldohol of getting that high are tempting, you must consider the long-term effects drugs and alcohol are having on your body.

There are hundreds of people who recover from their addictions and live clean, healthy lives. If you or a loved one has a substance abuse problem, visit addictiontosobriety. Your email address will not be published. Author Recent Posts. Follow me:. Melissa Bell. Melissa Bell has a strong background in nutrition education, fitness and yoga, and experience working on specialized stretching, bodybuilding and weight loss programs. She is actively studying Japanese, doing research and travelling for conferences while taking care of two children.]

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