The Effects Of Cigarette Smoking On The Video
Smoking And The Brain The Effects Of Cigarette Smoking On TheKatherine M. Clin Sci Lond 1 June ; 6 : — The effect of smoking on androgen levels is important given the recent interest in the link between low levels of androgens and the development of cardiovascular disease. Numerous studies examining the effects of cigarette smoking on the levels of total and free testosterone have reported conflicting findings, but there has been no accurate assessment of the effects of cigarette smoking on the levels of bioavailable testosterone [not bound to sex hormone-binding globulin SHBG ]. We attempted to determine whether smoking affects the level of bioavailable testosterone. We undertook a case-control study of 25 healthy male smokers and 25 healthy never-smokers, matched by age and body mass index.

Levels of total There were no significant differences in the levels of bioavailable testosterone 3. These data suggest that cigarette smoking link no significant effect on the biologically active fraction of testosterone, but may influence the levels of total and free testosterone through changes in the levels of SHBG.
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Clin Sci Lond 6 : —]
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