The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body -

The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body

The temptation that has led women Effecrs the subcontinent to crave for a lighter shade is nothing but the result of Eurocentrism. Beauty has been defined with a limited thought in the past and even today, with the wave of modernisation, we have not come out of the beauty cocoon.

beauty standards around the world

Beauty is often a biased idea based on some limited parameters. Especially, fashion models and actors are expected to fulfill these criteria in the long run. The perfection of face and body depends on the standards set along the lines of the European perspective of a fair woman.

The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body

But this is not the whole scenario. There are diverse and bold definitions of beauty across the globe, which defy the fixed standards set by the common adverts. It is a dark brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye in people and animals. It Effecst responsible for the tanning of skin exposed to sunlight. The darker skin tone is the result of the layers of melanin. So, it is a natural trait that varies from one region to another. People with darker tones are directly or indirectly pressurised by the Eurocentric society that prefers lighter shades.

Even the brown people in the South Asian region tend to The Effects Of Beauty Standards On Body the darker shades as the uglier ones though it is the natural colour of this region. For years, this phenomenon had been continuing where shade is a standard for ideal beauty.

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The magazine authorities did ask for an apology later on. Lupita herself once said that though she grew up believing that lighter shades and straighter hair are the measurement scale for beauty, she accepted and adored her darker skin tone and kinky coily hair. It is food for thought that beauty pageant winners are also struggling with this limited idea of beauty and some of them gave it a try to bring a change. I want Th to know that they can do more.]

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