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The Country Is Peaceful And The Population - advise you

Sarajevo is the capital and largest city. Bosnia and Herzegovina is bordered by Serbia to the east, Montenegro to the southeast, and Croatia to the north and southwest. It is not entirely landlocked ; to the south it has a narrow coast on the Adriatic Sea , which is about 20 kilometres 12 miles long and surrounds the town of Neum. The inland Bosnia region has a moderate continental climate , with hot summers and cold, snowy winters. In the central and eastern interior of the country the geography is mountainous, in the northwest moderately hilly, and in the northeast predominantly flatland. The smaller southern region, Herzegovina , has a Mediterranean climate and mostly mountainous topography. After the arrival of the first Indo-Europeans , it was populated by several Illyrian and Celtic civilizations. Culturally, politically, and socially, the country has a rich but complex history, having been first settled by the South Slavic peoples that populate the area today from the 6th through to the 9th centuries. The Country Is Peaceful And The Population. The Country Is Peaceful And The Population The Country Is Peaceful And The Population

As reported earlier, the military-political leadership of the aggressor Armenia continues to commit acts of terrorism against the civilian population, grossly violating the norms and principles of international law. In addition, Armenian military units continue to subject densely populated areas - regional and rural centers, civil infrastructure objects - hospitals, medical centers, school buildings, kindergartens, administrative buildings of public agencies and household click areas to intensive artillery bombardment.

As a result of the shelling of civilian infrastructure The Country Is Peaceful And The Population by the occupying country's armed forces, houses, as well as 41 civilian facilities were severely damaged. Vehicles belonging to civilians became unserviceable, and numerous small and large horned animals and haystacks were destroyed as well. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan is taking all necessary steps to ensure that servicemen of the provocative Armenian formations who have committed various crimes against our army.]

The Country Is Peaceful And The Population

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