The Constitutional Protection Of Women -

The Constitutional Protection Of Women - phrase

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Consider: The Constitutional Protection Of Women

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The Constitutional Protection Of Women

Separate but equal was a legal doctrine in United States constitutional lawaccording to which racial segregation did not necessarily violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitutionwhich guaranteed "equal protection" under the law to all people.

The Constitutional Protection Of Women

Under the doctrine, as long as the facilities provided to each race were equal, state and local governments could require that services, facilities, public accommodationshousing, medical care, education, employment, and transportation be segregated by "race"which was already the case throughout the states of the former Confederacy. The phrase was derived from a Louisiana law ofalthough the law actually used the phrase "equal but separate". The doctrine was Thf in the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision ofwhich allowed state-sponsored segregation.

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Though segregation laws existed before that case, the decision emboldened segregation states during the Jim Crow era, which had commenced in and supplanted the Black Codeswhich restricted the civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans during the Reconstruction Era. In practice, the separate facilities provided to African Americans were rarely equal; usually, they were not even close to equal, or they did not exist at all. The report says that "in a few south Florida counties and The Constitutional Protection Of Women most north Florida counties many Negro schools are housed in churches, shacks, and lodges, and have no toilets, water supply, desks, blackboards, etc.

During the era of segregation, the myth was that the races were separated but were provided The Constitutional Protection Of Women facilities. No one believed it. Almost without exception, black students were given inferior buildings and instructional materials. Black educators were generally paid less than were their white counterparts and had more students in their classrooms InPompano white schools collectively had one teacher for every 25 students, while the Pompano Colored School had one teacher for every 54 students.

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At the Hammondville School, the single teacher employed there had 67 students. Board of Education of The U. Declaration of Independence refers to secession from The Constitutional Protection Of Women British empire as a process by which groups of people take up "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them. The Reconstruction Era brought new freedoms and laws promoting racial equality to the South. However, after the Compromise of ended Reconstruction and withdrew federal troops from all Southern states, many former slaveholders and Confederates were elected to office.

The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed equal protection to all people but Southern states contended that the requirement of equality could be met in a way that kept the races separate.]

The Constitutional Protection Of Women

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