The Civil War Of The United States -

The Civil War Of The United States

The Civil War Of The United States Video

American Civil War in 10 Minutes - Manny Man Does History

The Civil War Of The United States - with you

Andrew Johnson , the 17th U. Johnson, who served from to , was the first American president to be impeached. A tailor before he entered politics, Johnson grew up poor and lacked a formal education. He served in the Tennessee legislature and U. Congress, and was governor of Tennessee. During the U. Civil War , Johnson was the only Southern senator to remain loyal to the Union. The Civil War Of The United States

The war took place between and December Brown is hanged for murder and treason at Charles Town, Virginia. John Wilkes Booth and Stonewall Jackson watch the execution from the crowd. November Abraham Lincoln is elected President. Staets Delegates from six seceded states form a government. April Fort Sumter is attacked by South Carolina troops.

Fort Sumter surrenders. Colonel Robert E.

The Civil War Of The United States

After being killed by a local innkeeper while trying to remove a Confederate flag from the roof of the building, Union Colonel Elmer E. Ellsworth, a close friend of Abraham Lincoln, is the first casualty of the war. Confederate General Thomas J. General George B. Napoleon attends a disastrous dinner party at the White Uniited later that evening. Lincoln fails to convince the prince to pledge support for the Union army. February General Ulysses S.

The Civil War Of The United States

March General Statrs loses command of the Union army. He is given command of the Army of the Potomac and is ordered to attack Richmond. April Union General Ulysses S. Grant and his troops win the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee. January Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves in the seceded states.

Causes of the Civil War

May The Confederates win the Battle of Chancellorsville. Stonewall Jackson is wounded during the battle, develops pneumonia and dies on May The battle is inconclusive. November Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg Address. March : Ulysses S.

Andrew Johnson’s Early Years

Grant is officially appointed commander of all the armies of the United States. May The Battle of the Wilderness in Virginia takes place. Confederate cavalry commander Jeb Stuart is killed at Yellow Tavern.

Congress passes a law enforcing equal pay for African-American soldiers. Abraham Lincoln observes the battle in Ov.

The Civil War Of The United States

September The Union army forces the Confederates out of Atlanta and capture the city.]

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