The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System -

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Video

DC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System - eventually necessary

Background: Healthy marriage promotes better health outcomes compared to negative marital experiences. Previous research has shown that exposure to trauma prior to age 18, or Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs , increases the likelihood of poor health in adults. These negative experiences impact future relationships and contribute to increased risk for depression, substance abuse, and lowered immune system. This study used ACE scores by category to investigate the effect of ACEs on the risk of divorce or separation and explored the hypothesis that children who have experienced ACEs are more likely to report being divorced or separated in later life. Simple and multiple logistic regressions were completed for ACEs, controlling for income, race, age, education level and gender. Studying the effect ACEs have on marriage could contribute to further understanding ways in which to prevent unhealthy relationships. This in turn could reduce the risk for divorce and adverse health problems in adults who have experienced ACEs. Follow Contact. Stinson , East Tennessee State University. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System is a federally funded random telephone survey of Colorado residents ages 18 and older. Information is gathered on a variety of health behaviors, conditions and preventative health practices.

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

The questions collect data related to the leading causes of:. Chronic disease. Infectious disease.

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Drug Use. Public and private health authorities at the federal, state Riwk local levels use BRFSS data to identify public health problems, design policies and interventions, set goals and measure progress toward these goals.

The Colorado Child Health Survey was developed to fill the gap in health data in Colorado that existed for children ages years. Through a screening process, we identify BRFSS-participating households with children ages and call a few days later to conduct the survey.

Contact Jill D. Stinson

If they agree, parents complete the survey on a variety of topics, including their child's:. Physical activity. Access to health and dental care.

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Behavioral health. School health.


Sun safety. About 1, surveys are completed each year. Public and private health authorities at the federal, state and local levels use CHS data to identify public health problems, design policies and interventions, set goals and measure progress toward these goals. Colorado Official State Web Portal.]

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