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Take A Dare \u0026 Evaluate Your PreparationTeaching Research \u0026 CommunicationPart 2 UGC NETGulshan Akhtar The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc. The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc

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The elaboration likelihood model ELM of persuasion [1] is a dual process theory describing the change of attitudes. Petty and John Cacioppo in The ELM proposes two major routes to persuasion: the central route and the peripheral route. For instance, as the picture shows, a person is considering buying a car and he is persuaded by his friend to buy a certain model. Once he generates favorable thought along the central route, the ELM predicts he will accept the message and the result is enduring. Elaboration likelihood model is a general theory of attitude change. According to the theory's developers Richard E.

Petty and John T. Cacioppothey intended to provide a general "framework for organizing, categorizing, and understanding the basic processes underlying the effectiveness of persuasive communications". The study of attitudes and persuasion began as the central focus of social psychology, featured in the work of psychologists Gordon Allport and Edward Alsworth Ross Allport described attitudes as "the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology". Petty and Cacioppo suggested that different empirical findings and theories on attitude persistence could be viewed as stressing one of two routes to persuasion which they presented in their elaboration likelihood model.

There are four core ideas to the ELM. Conversely, as argument scrutiny is increased, peripheral cues become relatively less important determinants of persuasion. Assumption 7: "Attitude changes that result mostly from processing issue-relevant arguments central route will show greater temporal persistence, greater prediction of behavior and greater resistance to counter-persuasion than attitude changes that result mostly from The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc cues. The elaboration likelihood model proposes two distinct routes for information processing : a The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc route and a peripheral route.

The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc

The ELM holds that there are numerous specific processes of change on the "elaboration continuum" ranging from low to high. When the operation processes at the low end of the continuum determine attitudes, persuasion follows the peripheral route.

The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc

When the operation processes at the high end of the continuum determine attitudes, persuasion follows the central route. The central route is used when the message recipient has the motivation as well as the ability to think about the message and its topic. When people process information centrally, the cognitive responses, or elaborations, will be much more relevant to the information, whereas when processing peripherally, the individual may rely on heuristics and other rules of thumb The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc elaborating on a message.

Being at the high end of the elaboration continuum, people assess object-relevant information in relation to schemas that they already possess, and arrive at a reasoned attitude that is supported by information. The first are the factors that influence our motivation to elaborate, and the second are the factors that influence our ability to article source. Motivation to process the message may be determined by a personal interest in the subject of the message, [12] or individual factors like the need for cognition. However, if the message recipient has a strong, negative attitude toward the position proposed by the message, a boomerang effect an opposite effect is likely to occur.

That is, they will resist the message and may move away from the proposed position.

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Being at the low end of the elaboration continuum, recipients do not examine the information as thoroughly. Because people are "cognitive misers," looking to reduce mental effort, they often use the peripheral route and thus rely on heuristics mental shortcuts when processing information.

The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc

When an individual is not motivated to centrally process an issue because they lack interest in it, or if the individual does not have the cognitive ability click centrally process the issue, then these heuristics can be quite persuasive. Robert Tge 's Principles of Social Influencewhich include commitment, social proof, scarcity, reciprocation, authority, as well as liking the person who is persuading you, are some examples of frequently used heuristics. Peripheral route processing involves a low level of elaboration. The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc these peripheral influences go completely unnoticed, the The Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc recipient is likely to maintain their previous attitude towards the message. Otherwise, the individual will temporarily change his attitude towards it. This attitude change can be long-lasting, although durable change is less likely to occur than it is Publidation the central route.

The two most influential factors that affect which processing route an individual uses are motivation the desire to process the message; see Petty and Cacioppo, and ability the capability for critical evaluation; see Petty, Wells and Brock, The extent of motivation is in turn affected by attitude and personal relevance.

Individuals' ability for elaboration Pyblication affected by distractions, their cognitive busyness the extent to which their cognitive processes are engaged by multiple tasks [17]and their overall knowledge. Attitudes towards a message can affect motivation. Drawing from cognitive dissonance theorywhen people are presented with new information a message that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values, they will be motivated to eliminate the dissonance, in order to remain at peace with their own thoughts.]

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  1. The intelligible answer

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