The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With -

The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With - what

The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, was created to expand access to affordable health care coverage to all Americans, lower costs, and improve quality and care coordination. Under the health care law, people will have:. The Health Insurance Marketplace helps individuals find health coverage. On the Marketplace, some people may be eligible for lower costs on premiums and out-of-pocket costs based on their income. The Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment period is November 1, , through December 15, The Affordable Care Act requires most U. In December, VA will begin a mailed letter effort to notify all enrollees and beneficiaries of their VA health care coverage period in The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With

What: The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With

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The Affordable Care Act turns six The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With

He welcomes questions and suggestions on insurance resources and tip sheets at joseph healthjournalism.

About Joseph Burns

Journalists covering open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act this year will need to separate fact from fiction about the law and about coverage for pre-existing conditions. As we saw on Tuesday, the U. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on whether it should strike down the individual mandate and the entire ACA in a case we covered in a blog post on Monday.

The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With

One of the big issues in any debate involving the ACA is coverage for Americans who have pre-existing conditions. During the coronavirus pandemic, this issue is even more important than it was in previous years because more than 10 million cases have been reported, according to The New York Times. Many of those Americans now have Wiith pre-existing condition they did not have last year.

The Affordable Care Act Provide Help With

While a decision is not expected until spring, if the law is struck down, protections for patients with pre-existing conditions under the ACA will end. But even if the law remains in place, journalists will need to explain how getting coverage for these conditions will be challenging because consumers can be misled into signing up for a health insurance plan that does not cover them.

For coverage that starts on Jan. Louise Norris, an insurance broker who writes for HealthInsurance.

Center for Excellence in Health Care Journalism | Better coverage. Better health.

Last month, Jeremy B. But less-conventional plans do not need to meet these requirements, they added. Such unconventional plans are called short-term or short-term, limited duration insurance STLDI plans and they are called fixed-indemnity or accident-only plans. Some are designed to cover consumers who have specific diseases. But these plans do not comply with the rules of the ACA that require comprehensive coverage.


STLDI, fixed-indemnity, accident-only, and specific-disease plans may be attractive to consumers because they are less expensive than ACA-compliant plans because they are not comprehensive. The problem for consumers is that reputable health insurance companies, such as UnitedHealthcare and others, offer these unconventional plans. The companies deceived consumers into paying hundreds of dollars per month for what they were led to believe was comprehensive health coverage, she wrote, adding patients who had Czre polices were often left with thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills. As Abelson, Merrill and Allen point out, health insurance brokers have been known to mislead consumers. Their findings were confirmed in a report in August from the Government Accountability Office.]

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