Technology and Happiness -

Technology and Happiness

How Technology Influences Happiness

Six percent of U. In fact, eTchnology average American turns their phone on 46 times per day. Simply put, technology has become an essential part of our daily lives. But, is that good or bad? InStanford University conducted a study that wanted to answer how happiness and Technology and Happiness development was affected by technology.

They begin by reviewing the online habits of girls ages 8 to Questions may exist because the responses are self-reported and are not subject to follow-up or verification by the researchers.

The Negative Impact of Social Media

A more recent study from the University of Illinois found similar results to the previous university studies. Inresearchers at Nanyang Technological University, Bradley University and the University of Missouri Columbia found that heavy Facebook users can experience envy.

Technology and Happiness

As a result of this envy, it can lead to extreme sadness. Happiness comes when we make room for it. Therefore, Blankson recommends that you:.

Technology and Happiness

This may Happjness some discipline, but Blankson suggests that we need to know when to use technology. Technology and Happiness example, putting down our phones or laptops during a conversation with a colleague at work or when spending quality time with friends or family. However, you can use technology to bring you closer to others, like sharing moment of gratitude on social media or apps like Random App of Kindness RAKi that promote empathy. By knowing which camp you fall into can help you decide if you really need to purchase the newest gadgets.]

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