Summary The Scripture -

Summary The Scripture

Summary The Scripture - all can

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Would you be surprised if I told you there was a secret combination to unlock understanding the contents of the Scriptures?

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The Word of God is life-changing, but it can be a little overwhelming at times. With nearly 1, chapters and over 30, verses, you could read a chapter every single day and it would still take over 3 years to read the entire Bible. If you are a follower of Jesus, we want you to be able to open the Bible to any book, at any time, and know exactly where you are within the overall story arc. In this video, Christianity Engaged founder, David Erhart, provides a Summary The Scripture in the form of an easy-to-memorize numerical combination that will help you navigate through the Bible and understand it's structure. All Christianity Engaged content is free for you to view and share. You are permitted to embed, download, duplicate, and distribute our content for any non-profit purposes. You do not need a license to play our content at your event or gathering. All we ask is that you do not edit the content in any way and credit Christianity Engaged.

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Summary The Scripture

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The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors over a period of about 1, years. There is no other book on the planet that is even remotely like your Bible.

Summary The Scripture

While the Word Summary The Scripture God is life-changing, it can be a little overwhelming at times. Within the Old Testament, we have 17 history books, 5 poetry books, and 17 prophecy books. And within the New Testament, we have 5 history books, 13 epistles Scrripture are simply letters written by the apostle Pauland 9 general epistles written by other leaders of the early church. So, if you want to read the story of nation of Israel, read the first 17 books of the Old Testament. If you want to read the poetry of Israel, read the next 5 books. And if you want to read the prophecy of Israel, read the next 17 books after that.

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Likewise, if you want to read the story of Jesus and the Church He established, read the first 5 books of the New Testament. And if you want to read instruction from men like Peter, James, and John, read the last 9 books of the Bible. The first 5 out of the 17 Summary The Scripture books were written by Moses. They are also called the Law, the Torah, or the Pentateuch.]

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