Substance Abuse Alcohol Addiction - nonsense!
Of the estimated Substance abuse and addiction cross all barriers and affect people from all walks of life, including veterans. Many veterans struggle when returning to civilian life. They may be dealing with traumatic experiences that affect their mental health and eventually lead to substance abuse. Luckily, there are resources available to help them overcome these challenges and get their lives back under their control. Because many of those enlisted in the military experience high-stress situations regularly, they can struggle with poor mental health when returning home. All veterans experience a period of readjustment as they reintegrate into life with friends and family, leaving them with unique mental health challenges. There are several environmental stressors specific to military personnel that have been linked to increased risk of substance use disorders SUDs. Substance Abuse Alcohol AddictionMyths surrounding drug and alcohol addiction are quite common and very harmful. Replace myths about addiction with these real facts. For instance, most people are unaware of just how common addiction is in the USA.
Hidden Drug Problem
However, nearly 1 in 12 Americans have an addiction to both drugs and alcohol. You most likely know a lot of people who have fought addiction in the past or Addictoon currently in the struggle. With that in mind, consider the following facts. The disease of addiction does not discriminate. An addict can live in a gated community or in a homeless shelter.

They can be of any race, any age, and any religion. They can come from a happy and Alochol upbringing or be raised by parents who are addicts themselves. Yes, addicts do choose to do bad things to maintain their habit, but good people do bad things, and sick people need help, support, and treatment, not judgment. This is one of the common addiction myths that people who are not familiar with the disease believe.
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Addiction is a brain disorder. It is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive engagement in reward stimuli drug seeking and use despite consequences. Additionally, using drugs and alcohol changes the brain. Prescription drug abuse has hit epic proportions and should not be taken lightly.
Prescription medication can be just as Substance Abuse Alcohol Addiction as street drugs, and these days they are often sitting in bathrooms and medicine cabinets at home, unmonitored, and within the reach of children.

If you have unused prescription medications lying around, please take them to be disposed of properly at your local pharmacy and help prevent Substance Abuse Alcohol Addiction young person from becoming an addict, or worse. Alcohol is cheap and easy to get. If you know someone who has a drinking problem, it may appear that alcohol is their only drug of choice, but this is often not the case. Addicts often dangerously combine prescription medications, marijuana, or street drugs with alcohol and the effects are not as easy to spot in a person who is consistently intoxicated.
In fact, alcoholics build up a tolerance after binge drinking and drinking for long periods of time, so adding additional substances may be the only way they can achieve any relief for their cravings.
Prescription Drugs: A Gateway To Heroin?
Myths about drug addiction, such as this one, thrive because of unrealistic portrayals of addiction Substance Abuse Alcohol Addiction popular media. In real life, treatment is carefully considered and approached for each individual ensuring that click here get the best start. It is important that a person assess their own treatment and recovery needs with the help of a professional, before entering treatment. The addict may need to start with detox and then they may need to enter an inpatient facility for up to 30 days before starting an outpatient treatment center. When people get the right support, the statistics show that treatment does in fact work:.
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Statistics show that an addict who has completed a treatment program has a greater chance at long-term recovery. Also, the longer a person stays in treatment, the better the outcome, regardless of what a person is addicted to. Medication-assisted treatment MAT has been proven to save lives and improve recovery rates. However, medications can prevent potentially deadly side-effects from occurring during early sobriety, ease withdrawal symptoms and help curb cravings that would otherwise cause addicts to immediately relapse. Myths about drug addiction, like the above, often serve only to stigmatize effective treatment and prevent addicts from seeking the help they need.
Hopefully, the above information has helped you understand the difference between addiction myths and facts. If you have any more questions about addiction or Substance Abuse Alcohol Addiction Substancd about a loved one or family member, please give our staff a call at Subxtance Trail RecoveryLLC We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

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