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Strategic Management at Virgin

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The sudden and massive Strategic Management at Virgin to a remote work policy across the Department of Defense and the contracting community has created a perfect storm of cyber challenges needing to be addressed. Keenly aware of this, threat actors are taking advantage. A few months into the COVID crisis, the Pentagon reported a surge in cyberattacks as threat actors sought to exploit more than 4 million employees and contractors who now rely on DoD networks to telework. A zero-trust approach, in which no user or device is assumed trustworthy, can be the best defense against these growing threats. The concept of zero trust is nothing new. For more newsletters click here.

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Why do defense agencies struggle with zero trust? As the SolarWinds survey shows, agencies have been taking their time adopting a zero-trust strategy. Unfortunately, this has left them ill-prepared to adjust to the new normal of a distributed enterprise where remote access to cloud and network resources can be hard to monitor and control. One of the main issues — and misconceptions — inhibiting adoption is perceived cost.

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Seventy-five percent of those surveyed regard the cost of zero-trust approaches as moderately, very or extremely challenging. Instead, they augment existing investments in security controls such as user monitoring and access-rights management. A further challenge is expertise.

Accustomed to keeping systems functioning or securing the perimeter, the right strategy, coupled with a mindset shift, is needed to move from a model based on implicit trust to one of explicit verification — i. Enabling a zero-trust strategy.

Strategic Management at Virgin

There are no single approaches Stratdgic zero trust, but there are some key foundational elements to any zero-trust strategy to help ensure the best results — with limited in-house IT resources and expertise. Being mindful and assuming all users are compromised can better inform these security decisions so that when a threat is detected, response and remediation can happen quickly.

At the same time, DoD employees and contractors can access resources securely, wherever they are.

Strategic Management at Virgin

Even after the immediate emergency has dissipatedthe future of the DoD workspace will change for some time to come. Mznagement by adopting a zero-trust approach can IT leaders get one step ahead of the game and ensure security is balanced with accessibility. Jim Hansen. Thanks for signing up! Interested in battlefield technologies?

Strategic Management at Virgin

Thanks for signing up. About Jim Hansen.]

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