Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining -

Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining Video

Collective Bargaining 101 - Interest Arbitration

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The ongoing negotiations were expected to be contentious amid the multiyear probe and tightening economy, but the raids, including on the Michigan home of UAW President Gary Jones , create a new level of mistrust, uncertainty and concern for both sides of the table, according to industry officials. Most notably, the Wednesday raids confirm that the Department of Justice is widening its probe to current UAW leaders that the union has adamantly denied had anything to do with the "misdeeds of a few bad apples," as Jones' predecessor, UAW President Dennis Williams previously characterized the corruption. Other locations included a UAW-owned resort and conference center called Black Lake in northern Michigan; a local regional director's home and UAW office in Missouri, where Jones previously served as regional director; and the Wisconsin home of Williams' former administrative assistant, Amy Loasching. The raids are believed to be an expansion of a roughly four-year investigation into labor relations corruption, including bribery and kickbacks, that has already led to the convictions of eight officials affiliated with the union and Fiat Chrysler. Whether the raids unearthed damaging evidence against current union officials is arguably irrelevant for this year's negotiations, according to Art Wheaton, a labor expert at the Worker Institute at Cornell University. It's already done the damage," he said. The largest problem created by the investigation could be the trust rank-and-file workers have in the ability of UAW leaders to negotiate a fair contract in their best interest, according to officials. Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining.

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Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining

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Drone Policies Soar in Legislators continued debating both allowable uses and prohibitions of drones, with six states enacting 11 bills. Motor Fuel Taxes States continue to explore possible replacements for the motor fuel tax as vehicles become more fuel efficient and the surge of new electric vehicles continues.

Stages and Strategies of Collective Bargaining

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