Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict -

Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict

Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict - your

Bleeding Kansas , Bloody Kansas , or the Border War was a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory , United States , between and which emerged from a political and ideological debate over the legality of slavery in the proposed state of Kansas. The conflict was characterized by years of electoral fraud , raids, assaults, and murders carried out in Kansas and neighboring Missouri by pro-slavery " Border Ruffians " and anti-slavery " Free-Staters ". It has been called a civil war of its own, and a Tragic Prelude to the great American Civil War which immediately followed it. About people were killed. At the core of the conflict was the question of whether the Kansas Territory would allow or prohibit slavery, and thus enter the Union as a slave state or a free state. The question was of national importance because Kansas's two new senators would affect the balance of power in the bitterly divided U. The Kansas—Nebraska Act of called for popular sovereignty , specifying that the decision about slavery would be made by popular vote of the territory's settlers, rather than by legislators in Washington. Existing sectional tensions surrounding slavery quickly found focus in Kansas. Those in favor of slavery argued that every settler had the right to bring his own property, slaves in particular, into the Territory. In contrast, while some "Free Soil" proponents opposed slavery on religious, ethical, or humanitarian grounds, at the time the most persuasive argument against introducing slavery in Kansas was that it would allow rich slave owners to control the land to the exclusion of poor non-slaveholders who, regardless of their moral inclinations, did not have the means to acquire either slaves or sizable land holdings for themselves. Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict

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The roots of the myth that slavery was primarily a white Southern institution were planted three decades prior to the War Between the Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict by the abolitionists in New York and New England. This myth also included the idea that those same abolitionists of the s had introduced the freeing Slavegy slaves in America. A decade later the group changed its name to the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery with Benjamin Franklin as its president.

It took well over a hundred years for the idea of emancipation to finally take hold at a far broader level but contrary to what is universally taught and thought today, the first true anti-slavery movements began not in the North in the s, but over thirty years earlier in the South.

Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict

In the period from the late s towhile those in the North, with the exception of the Quakers, remained generally indifferent to the idea of freeing the slaves, many in the South, particularly clergymen, were seriously debating the problem. Briney helped enact early legislation to improve slave conditions, as well as calling for an end to the importation of African slaves and the abolishment of slave auctions. North Carolina was another area where the anti-slavery movement became active in the early part of the Nineteenth Century.

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Ina town commissioner from New Salem, Moses Swain, was the founder and first president of the North Carolina Manumission Society and twenty years later he was appointed as clerk of the Randolph County Superior Court. Within ten years, the Society had three thousand members in fourteen chapters throughout the State, as well as forty-five affiliated groups. Some of its members, like Swain, were also appointed or elected to public office in the State prior to Robert Finley just prior to his becoming president of the University of Georgia.

Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict

Sectkonal Society advocated the relocation of freed slaves to Liberia, a colony the Society had established in West Africa in Most anti-slavery groups in the South, as well as a number of slaveholders, supported the idea and cooperated with the Society. The slaves in the revolt led by Nat Turner murdered over sixty mostly white, men, women and children and while the uprising was suppressed within a few days, it caused a great deal of consternation throughout the South which led to more stringent judicial rulings and legislation in regard to slaves.

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The latter included the anti-education acts that ended the black schools which had been created by the Sectuonal anti-slavery societies. One of the earliest and most influential abolitionist groups that were later formed in the North was the American Anti-Slavery Society that was started in in New York City by William Lloyd Garrison of Massachusetts and black abolitionist Frederick Douglass. However, as there was by then almost no Slavery Freedom And Sectional Conflict slavery left in the North, the Northern abolitionists turned their sights on the slaves in the South. In this, one of their most potent weapons was the spreading of anti-Southern propaganda via the printed word.]

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