Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in -

Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in

Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in - turns!

Expected Outcome: For your essay, write a six-page paper that discusses meaning identifies, compares, and contrasts the different ways that men and women experienced slavery. Rationale: Your essay is an opportunity to think about, distill extract the essential meanings of and synthesize bring together the various sources you have read. Pause and re-read that sentence. You got this. Summary of how we got here: By now you have read and thought a lot about African American experiences in North Carolina from Moses Grandy to Harriet Jacobs to dozens of others mentioned in your textbook. As you read, reflected, you probably noticed I hope that enslaved men and women often dealt with different challenges, opportunities, and trauma based on their gender. For example: Men like Moses Grandy more frequently engaged in work that allowed them to interact with a larger world than the enslaved women who were confined to a more narrow geography like Harriet Jacobs [Linda Brent] who was under near constant surveillance by James Norcom [Dr. Essential texts: Jeffrey J. Crow, et. Martins,

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Slave Women in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in

You may supplement with American Yawp or the optional Foner textbut do not reach beyond those two sources. According to Harriet Jacobs, what makes slavery for women distinct from slavery for men? Another way of thinking of the same question: What aspects of slavery would we miss or misunderstand if we only saw it through the ij of men? Introduce each with a clear topic sentence that connects that paragraph to your thesis. Cite the page number from Jacobs in parenthetical form. Jacobs, All Rights Reserved.

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