Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing -

Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing - were not

I n , the famous Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray created a beloved fictional detective named Feluda. Like the fictional Feluda, it is fast, accurate, and works in all manner of field settings, according to a preprint posted to medRxiv in September. The regulatory agencies in India conducted an independent evaluation of the assay on patient samples and found Feluda to be highly accurate in detecting COVID infections. The Drugs Controller General of India approved Feluda for commercial use on September 19, and in an October 22 advisory , the Indian Council of Medical Research approved its use by public and private laboratories. In the beginning of the pandemic, testing was limited to a few publicly funded laboratories in India. Later on, it was extended to private labs.

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Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing

Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic disease of the blood or more precisely of the red blood cells erythrocytes.

From sickle cell anemia to COVID-19

There are two different forms depending on the inheritance: a so-called heterozygous and homozygous form. The forms are based on a disturbed form of the erythrocytes. In the absence of oxygen, they take on a sickle-like form, which gives the disease its name.

Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing

The cause of sickle cell anemia is genetic inheritance. It is an autosomal codominant hereditary disease, i. The exact cause lies in the exchange more precisely: point mutation of a single amino acid: the amino acid glutamate is replaced by the amino acid valine. Glutamate, along with many other amino acids, is a Accident Manual of the protein hemoglobinwhich is known to be the oxygen carrier on the red blood cells erythrocytes. An altered hemoglobin is formed, called HbS hemoglobin of sickle cell anemia. Alternatively, another hemoglobin is also formed: HbF fetal hemoglobinwhich is actually only formed during the foetal period of an unborn child.

It has a higher affinity for oxygen and serves as a compensatory substitute oxygen transport. This leads to a loss of elasticity of the erythrocytes, but their flexibility is essential for passage through the smallest blood vessels.

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If a person has the disease from both parents, both copies of their corresponding gene for hemoglobin are affected. It is a so-called homozygous carrier.

Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing

In a heterozygous carrier, only one parent was sick or passed on the disease. Here, a severe lack of oxygen is required for the hemoglobin and thus the erythrocytes to change. Regardless of whether it is a homozygous or heterozygous carrier, the disease mechanism is the same: as soon as a molecule Thong on the wrong form, it is broken down.

This can happen in the blood vessels or in the spleen see hemolysis. As a result, there are fewer erythrocytes in the blood anemiaso the supply of oxygen to the body through the blood is not guaranteed. In our article Anemia — these are the signs of anemia! The electrical actions of the heart are measured, which provide information about possible rhythm disturbances or diseases in the electrical conduction system of the heart. In the case of myocarditis, the rhythm. The shock waves are generated in different ways: either by underwater spark Sickoe, pulsed laser beams or by conversion of electromagnetic energy. The resulting shock waves must be focused so. In the case of a bleeding ulcer, for example, a small cannula inserted Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing the endoscope can be used to.

Sickle Cell Anemia Is A Horrible Thing

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