Seven Wonders of the World -

Seven Wonders of the World Seven Wonders of the World

The seven wonders of the ancient world have been celebrated by scholars, writers, and artists since at least Word. These marvels of architecture, like Egypt's pyramids, were monuments of link achievement, built by Mediterranean and Middle Eastern empires of their day with little more than crude tools and manual labor.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Today, but one of these ancient wonders have vanished. Completed around B. When it was finished, the pyramid had a smooth exterior and reached a height of feet. Archaeologists say it took as long as 20 years to build the Great Pyramid, which is thought to have been built to honor the Pharoah Khufu.

Built around B. For centuries, it was considered the tallest building in the world.

Seven Wonders of the World

Inmaterials from the lighthouse were used to construct the Citadel of Qaitbay, a fortress that still stands on Pharos Island. This bronze and iron statue of the sun god Helios was built in the Greek city of Rhodes in B. Standing beside thd city's harbor, the statue was nearly feet tall, about the same size as the Statue of Liberty. It was destroyed in an earthquake in B.

Seven Wonders of the World

Located in the present-day city of Bodrum in southwestern Turkey, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was built around B. The structure was destroyed by a series of earthquakes between the 12th and 15th centuries and was the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world to be destroyed. Historians can't pinpoint when the temple was first built on the site link they do know it was destroyed by flooding in the 7th century B. A second temple stood from about B. Its replacement, built shortly thereafter, od destroyed by A.

Seven Wonders of the World - interactive map

Built sometime around B. The statue was lost or destroyed sometime in the 5th century, and very few historical images of it exist.

Seven Wonders of the World

Not much is known of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, said to have been located in present-day Iraq. However, archaeologists have found no substantial evidence to confirm the gardens ever existed. Look online and you'll find a seemingly endless list of contemporary wonders of the world. Some focus on natural wonders, others man-made structures.

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Perhaps the most noteworthy attempt was compiled in by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Their list of the seven modern wonders of the world celebrates 20th-century engineering marvels. It includes the Channel Tunnel connecting France and the U. Share Flipboard Email. Matt Rosenberg.]

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