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Self Strengthening and Reform Self Strengthening and Reform

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Scientific Research An Academic Publisher. Computational thinking is Self Strengthening and Reform just the exclusive skills of computer scientists, but the basic skills that everyone should have in the digital age. The cultivation of computational thinking ability is of great significance to the current teaching of basic computer courses in universities, and the thinking and manipulation methods in computer science are of great value to the cultivation of modern talents. Logical thinking is the core content of computational thinking. Using computational thinking and logical thinking to solve problems is an important means of innovation. Many practical problems in the era of big data show obvious characteristics of computer science, and analyzing and solving these problems require good computational and logical thinking skills. Learning to transform actual problems into problems that computers can solve and learning how computers solve problems are an important part of computational thinking.

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In this process, it is very important to master the working principle and link logic of the computer, and program design is the main means to achieve this goal. However, in the specific teaching practice, the programming curriculum of high school students faces many difficulties. There are many problems in the teaching of programming course such as C Language.

Self Strengthening and Reform

The investigation found that lack of interest and motivation in programming is the fundamental reasons that affect the learning quality of programming courses, and is also the deep-seated reason why the programming effect of primary and middle school students is not satisfactory. Furthermore, it is difficult for students to be proficient in traditional teaching methods and application structure, which causes teachers to gradually lose their enthusiasm for teaching and students gradually lose their motivation to learn.

Robotics education has become an important part of STEM education.

Self Strengthening and Reform

The purpose of robotics education is to expose students to robotics and to break the mystery of technology. Students master the basic process and thinking methods of robotics building by personally designing and building robots. From the perspective of the teaching practice of robotics education, most students are very interested in robot design and control.

Self Strengthening and Reform

They want to design and control robots themselves, and they all have a strong learning motivation. This study focuses on the following issues. In recent years, programming courses such as Java programming, Self Strengthening and Reform programming, C programming, Python programming, etc. High-level language programming is a basic course for college information technology majors, among which C language programming is a very logical and practical course. GORRIERI Andrea pointed out that C language program teaching based on computational thinking should teach the computational thinking described in it when imparting relevant knowledge points.

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Some scholars have also proposed that C as an introductory language interferes with the object-oriented way of thinking that students will use Self Strengthening and Reform the future; most students have little understanding of various programming languages, and none of them are proficient.

The actual programming ability needs to be improved. VB courses have always been the main program course content for primary and secondary school learning. The curriculum is seriously out of touch with the practical computer-based curriculum, resulting in students not being able to apply and master the knowledge they have learned in time. In the process of information technology teaching in elementary and source schools, the teaching content of algorithm and program design has always been a difficult point. The biggest reason is that the difficulty of introductory learning of teaching languages such as VB Strengthenig C used in traditional teaching is too difficult, and the teaching content of program courses is boring. In addition to the monotonous output of program instructions, there is a lack of practical applications in life.

Most students find it Selt to raise interest in learning, and the natural teaching effect is not satisfactory. In the context of the establishment of artificial intelligence courses at the primary and secondary levels of the Premier of the State Council, various primary and secondary schools immediately began a wave of learning programming courses, and Self Strengthening and Reform courses have gradually become an alternative language for beginners Alshaigv, But Python also has many problems in teaching.

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Self Strengthening and Reform The emergence of the Scratch programming language makes programming easier, and provides a good language tool for programming teaching in primary and secondary schools. In recent years, also gradually researched the maker concept generated by the combination of Scratch and hardware devices He, However, the structure of Scratch programming is relatively simple, which is more suitable for students in elementary school or lower grades of middle school, and not suitable for programming courses of upper middle school. Igor M. Verner is committed to researching the value of project-based robotics education. Verner regards robot competition as a form of project learning, discussing the background of robot teaching field and the characteristics of robot teaching, namely learning motivation, problem solving, interdisciplinary learning methods, teamwork, etc.]

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